Here you will learn different English greetings and goodbyes. Saying hello and goodbye can be very easy in English, there are many options. There are formal options and more informal ways to greet people.
English Greetings and Goodbyes - Formal and Informal

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English Greetings and Goodbyes - Formal and Informal
1️⃣ For friends and family you can choose from :
👧 Hi.
👨🦰 Hi. How are you?
👧 Nice to see you.
👨🦰 Nice to see you also.
👱♀️ How are you getting on?
👩🦰 Fine (great), thanks.
👱♀️ Great to see you again.
👩🦰 Yeah and you.
Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
- What you'll learn:
- better understanding of more complex grammar structures
- advanced English vocabulary words
- British & American slang
- perfect your listening skills through practing different accents
- This marathon is for you if you're:
- stuck at an intermediate English level
- tired of confusing explanations
- a mature student
- shy & introverted
👨🦰 How’s it going? (Irish)
🧔 Pretty good, and you?
or simply
👧 Hello.
👨🦱 Hello, Hi.
2️⃣ For more formal occasions you should use:
🤴 Good morning.
👸 Good morning
👳 Good Day (depending on the time of day) or May I help you? How do you do?
👳♀️ I am well thank you. And you?
👳 Pleased to meet you.
👳♀️ Pleased to meet you also.
English Greetings and Goodbyes - Formal and Informal
When leaving somebody again you have many choices and you can choose formal or informal farewells depending on the relationship with the person or people.
Bye-bye or Bye or See you or Cheers or Thanks or Catch up soon
Replies to all of these can be varied:
Bye, Cheers, See you, Take care
📌Formal :
👱♀️ Goodbye.
🧓 Goodbye.
👵 Thank you.
👨 Thank you also.
👴 Nice to have met you.
👩💼 It was nice to meet you also.
On Friday afternoon we usually say:
🧝 Have a nice weekend.
🧝♂️ Yeah, same to you.
Try to complete the following dialogues:
A: How are you getting on?
B: __________ thanks.
A: How’s it going?
B: ____________, and you?
A: Pleased to meet you.
B: ______________also.
More Information
For more information on English phrasal verbs, English idioms and English grammar rules, check out the following links:
Phrasal verbs for FCE – Phrasal Verbs with WEAR
Uncountable and Plural Nouns – Important English Grammar Rules

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