free english language course

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Let’s speak better English with Harry’s free online English language course. This short course is aimed at ESL students who want to increase their knowledge of English phrasal verbs and learn new idioms.

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free english language course

Who is this course for?

ESL students who want to expand their informal English vocabulary and learn to use phrasal verbs and idioms in their everyday conversations. Particularly useful for those students who want to improve their ‘small talk’ English skills.

free english language course

What you'll learn in this course

In this course, you will learn phrasal verbs with engaging video lessons. Harry, the course instructor, provides plenty of practical examples. You will not only be able to remember the phrasal verbs but also to understand their meanings. 

Understanding the meanings of phrasal verbs makes it easier to use them in everyday English.

Free online english courselearning outcomes

Course requirements

free english language coursestudent feedback

Raul Lopez Martinez
Raul Lopez Martinez
Great explanations!!
Dakalo Ramanenzhe
Dakalo Ramanenzhe
This course was very helpful to me it made me understand English a little bit better that i did before, thank you for this information i have learnt
Juan Pablo Tellez Centeno
Juan Pablo Tellez Centeno
Es buen curso, la presentación y las explicaciones son muy buenas, sólo que para mí nivel, va un poco rápido.

Course review

I'm learning valuable information 98%
Explanations of contents are clear 96%
The course is delivering on my expectations 97%
The instructor's delivery is engaging 95%
The instructor is knowledgeable 98%

Free online english coursethis course includes

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Course instructor

HarryNative English Teacher

Hi there. I’m Harry, and I’m your English teacher. Following over 30 years working in business I changed my career path and reinvented myself as a teacher, teaching English as a Foreign Language. I obtained my TEFL qualifications and have now been teaching English over 10 years both online using Skype™ and Zoom™ and in face-to-face lessons. I am successfully teaching to a very wide range of students across several continents. I specialise in Business English but happily teach people with any English learning needs. I have assisted many students to successfully pass a variety of English proficiency exams

The response to my teaching style is very positive and results in regular referrals of new students. 

Start dates

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Course length

2.5 hours

English level


Minimum age


Maximum age


Total lessons


Maximum class size


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limited offer

Free online english courseCourse Content

  • 1
    What are the modals of lost opportunities?
  • 2
    Grammar Structure
  • 3
    How to use these modals in English?
  • 4
  • 1
    How to form the past perfect tense
  • 2
    When do we use the past perfect tense
  • 3
  • 1
    the structure of phrasal verbs in english
  • 2
    10 phrasal verbs with the preposition ‘down’
  • 3
    additional materials in pdf
  • 4
    interactive quiz
  • 1
    phrasal verbs with the verb ‘to bring’
  • 2
    additional materials in pdf
  • 3
    interactive quiz
  • 1
    phrasal verbs with the verb ‘to carry’
  • 2
    additional materials in pdf
  • 3
    interactive quiz
  • 1
    10 phrasal verbs with the verb ‘to put’
  • 2
    additional materials in pdf
  • 3
    interactive quiz
  • 1
    10 funny english idioms with meanings and examples
  • 2
    additional learning materials
  • 3
    interactive quiz

Don't stop learning. Additional learning material and further advice on how to improve your English speaking and writing skills.

Enrol in free online english course

and start learning new phrasal verbs and English idioms today

Frequently asked questions

Immediately after signup.

Anyone who would like to improve English speaking skills, learn new English expressions and speak better English.

*This course is aimed at intermediate English learners. I don’t recommend this course to beginners.

After completing this short English Language Course you will be able to:

  1. better understand the structure of English Phrasal Verbs
  2. practise new idioms in your English conversation
  3. use more Phrasal Verbs in your speech and written English

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