Uncountable and Plural Nouns in English

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:06/07/2021
  • Post category:English Grammar
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Here you will learn how to use uncountable and plural nouns in English correctly. Scroll down to watch a video lesson and find out which verb to use with uncountable nouns.

Table of Contents

Uncountable and Plural Nouns in English

🔴 List of Uncountable and Plural Nouns in English. English Grammar Rules. #learnenglish #englishlessons #ingles #aprenderingles #englishgrammar

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Do you know that some of the nouns are uncountable in English?

🔈 Nouns that cannot be counted are referred to as uncountable.

🔈 And plural nouns are those that do not have a singular form.

Some certain nouns in English are always in plural form. Knowing some of them and understanding the difference between uncountable and plural nouns can help you in many areas of English grammar.

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Examples of Uncountable Nouns in English

Examples of uncountable nouns in English:

  • HAIR

He refused to give more information about the accident.

The teacher gave me lots of advice about the best book to buy.

We are going to sell some of our furniture.

My knowledge of Italian is very poor.

You need a lot of equipment for scuba-diving.

She is making a steady progress in her French.

Michael got a lot of homework last night.

I always take a lot of luggage when I go on holidays.

Your hair is getting very long.

Uncountable Nouns IS or ARE? - Video lesson

Examples of Plural  Nouns in English

Examples of plural nouns in English:


These trousers are too small for me.

We had a few whole weeks of really hot weather and I was wearing shorts.

I am looking for a new skinny jeans.

The scissors are in the cupboard.
Mind the step, these stairs are very dangerous.

These are very nice headphones but they are very expensive.

It is inappropriate to wear pyjamas outside the house.

Use Uncountable and Plural Nouns correctly

Now, I have a short exercise for you to check your understanding of English uncountable and plural nouns. Correct the mistakes, type your answers in the comments below. Don’t be shy!

  1. I am looking for some informations.
  2. I bought a pair of new jeans last week.
  3. Your hairs is getting very long.
  4. Do you have scissors?
  5. My sister gave me some good advices.
  6. Do you think they are making progresses with their English?

List of Common Uncountable Nouns in English

List of Uncountable and Plural Nouns in English. English Grammar Rules. #learnenglish #englishlessons #ingles #aprenderingles #englishgrammar

More Information

For more information on English Idioms, English Phrasal Verbs and English Vocabulary Words, check out the following links:

How to use the Present Continuous correctly?

English Idioms about CHANGE

Double contraction in English


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