What memory-related vocabulary words can you think of?
How and in what circumstances do you use them?
In this post, let’s have a look at some memory-related vocabulary. Useful verbs, adjectives and phrases to help you talk about memories in English.
Don’t forget to learn English idioms memory and mind to complete your vocabulary about memory.
vocabulary about memory - Podcast episode 271
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vocabulary about memory

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The following words are the most commonly used in English:
- remember
- memory
- memories
- remind
- reminder
- memorise
- memorial
- reminisce
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Memory Related Vocabulary Words
Students often confuse the use of remember and remind. The following examples should help you with all of these words.
to remember (v)
Meaning: to retain information in your mind
I am now 50 years of age but can remember my first day at school quite clearly.
He can remember clearly the look on her face when he told her the news.
remembered (past participle)
There is a ceremony held every year at which the victims of the earthquake are remembered.
to remind (v)
Meaning: to make someone remember something
I am very busy for the next few days and could forget about your request. Please remind me tomorrow and I will try and help you.
I would like to remind everybody that next week is a holiday and there is no need to come to school.
reminder (n)
Meaning: something that prompts you not to forget something
He often wrote short notes to himself as a reminder to do something the next day.
The explosion at the church was a reminder to everyone that they need to be on their guard against racially motivated attacks.
Difference between Remind and Remember
remember vs remind - video lesson
In this English video lesson, you are going to learn what is the difference between remind and remember.
Remind vs remember. Intermediate level English lesson to help you improve your speaking skills.
memory (n)
Meaning: the ability to remember things, people, places, etc
Do you have a good or bad memory? Can you remember things easily?
He crashed his car a month ago and since that date has lost his memory but the doctors believe it will come back slowly.
memories (n, plural)
Meaning: something that is remembered from the past
Her husband died suddenly after 40 years of marriage. However, she has happy memories of their life together.
to memorise (v)
Meaning: to learn something by heart
The teacher gave them plenty of homework and they had to memorize ( learn by heart) a number of poems for their examination.
I did not have my mobile phone with me so had to memorize the phone number of the taxi company.
memorial (n)
Meaning: a monument or plaque that is erected in a town or city to honour people who have for example been killed in some war or tragic event
The Queen of England places flowers every year at the war memorial in London to honour the soldiers who died in WWI and WWII.
Difference between Remind and Remember

Memory Related Vocabulary Words
to reminisce (v) /ˌrem.ɪˈnɪs/
Meaning: to think about the old days
The old ladies sit around the kitchen table every week and reminisce about the good old days. How they used to gather mushrooms in the forest and cook them on the open fire. Those were the days!!
They had not met each other for several years. They spent all night reminiscing about their days in college.
mind games
Meaning: someone trying to play tricks with your mind
The political opponents were very careful not to show any weaknesses they were playing mind games with each other.
More Information
For more information in English Expressions, English Phrasal Verbs and English Grammar Rules, check ou the following links:
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