Here I’ve got some ways to finish an email in English. englishclass101
This is Harry and welcome back to my English grammar lessons.
I have to admit, this is not the most exciting English language topic I’ve ever done, but these are really practical suggestions for you. It’s amazing how many times people ask me,
📧 How do I start and how do I end an email in English?
So we’re going to focus today on the end of the email.
⚠️ It’s not the same as a letter because in most cases, letters are quite formal. But when we’re using email, even if we’re using them to the boss or somebody a little bit more important than ourselves then it’s always informal.
10 Ways to Finish an Email in English
Some of it is the same as we use them letters, but sometimes it’s different and sometimes people don’t sign off on their emails at all.
So the first one is just the word 1️⃣ REGARDS.
So you’ve finished whatever you’re saying and then you just put ‘regards, Harry.’ So it’s just a very, very simple way.
Usually, that means that you know the person reasonably well. englishclass101
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Number two is a little bit similar to number one. Here we’re using the expression 2️⃣ BEST REGARDS or KIND REGARDS.
Now, this is very similar to the letter format, but again, it’s about people that you know, and it might be somebody on a personal level rather than on a business email.
👴 Best regards, Harry
👨🦰 Kind regards, Dad
👵 Best regards, Mum
We’re just giving the person our best wishes for whatever we have happened to tell them. So I say it’s very, very informal but you don’t like to sign off too formally. So you want to give something less formal but not too informal. So best regards or kind regards.
10 Ways to Finish an Email in English
Number three on my list is 3️⃣ ALL THE BEST.
So here, it’s really for somebody who is not so close to you, but you’d like to be kind. You like to be polite, okay? So you’d use this sort of expression all the best. So it means all the best for the future. All the best for your business. All the best in your adventure, whatever it might be. Just all the best. Meaning your best wishes, you’re giving it all to the person that you’re writing to.
So ‘all the best Harry’ and sign off and press that button and off the email goes, okay.
And here we are with number four and number four is 4️⃣ BEST WISHES. Now here again, this is impersonal in some ways. You don’t know the person so well that definitely not a close friend, that definitely not a member of your family, but there’s somebody that you, you wish again to be polite so ‘best wishes Harry’.
So it could be to members of your team in the office. It could be something, somebody that’s is supplying you with some particular service.
Or indeed, it could be somebody that you are dealing with in a business and they’re no longer going to be your account manager or they’re no longer going to be the main contact in that business.
So you write them a nice note to say:
Oh, it’s been great working for you over the last few years. I really wish you the very best for your future career. Best wishes.
10 Ways to Finish an Email in English

Okay, we’re halfway there. So this is number five and number five is 5️⃣ THANKS or indeed MANY THANKS.
So this is usually a signature you would use over a series of a number of emails that you’ve been writing back and forth to somebody playing a little bit of ping pong.
So you’ve asked them a question, they’ve given you some information, you’ve asked them for something else, they’ve given you some more information. And when you get to the end of these, you just say:
Okay, yeah, I think I’ve got it now. I think we’re really on the same page, so many thanks.
So here we are with number six and number six is LOOKING FORWARD TO something.
Okay, now be really careful here with the grammar.
When we’re using this ‘looking forward to’, we follow it with the -ING or that gerund.
- looking forward to meeting you
- looking forward to hearing from you
- looking forward to dealing with you in the future
and remember always that I N G, that gerund.
Speak better English with Harry - Episode 362
Okay, so the next three we’re going to take together seven, eight and nine. So these are very similar. They are 7️⃣ YOURS TRULY.
You can write them in any way you wish, but those are the three of them. Yours truly. Yours sincerely, sincerely yours, yours faithfully and faithfully yours. And these are very, very business orientated endings to an email.
We use them all the time when we’re writing letters and they’re just carried on and carry forward to the email format in which we write to each other. And you’ll usually find these at the end of the letter you get from a solicitor.
If you get, if you ever get to the end of the letter and you just want to rip it up, but if you get to the end, you’ll see it. ‘Yours sincerely, yours truly.’
These people, they really don’t have any feeling.
They don’t have any connection with you because either they’re writing to your demanding money or they’re writing to you about some issue and you really don’t want to go into that, but it’s just yours truly, yours sincerely, yours faithfully.
So these are formal endings they’ve no feeling, they don’t really mean anything.

10 Ways to Finish an Email in English
So when we get to number 🔟 and we leave the best till last.
So this is when you can really write anything you want because these are endings to emails that you’re sending to your loved ones, your family, your closest of close friends.
So it can be anything:
- lots of love
- love and kisses
- hugs
- see you soon
- missing you
- can’t wait to see you
- catch up soon
All of these types of expressions are ways that you can end an email in a very nice, pleasant and loving way. So they have feeling unlike number seven, eight and nine, there’s a lot of you in it.
You’re putting your own personal emotions, how you feel at that particular time when you’re writing the email.
So you might be away in college and you miss your family. englishclass101
You might be on a business trip and you want to make sure that the kids and everybody else are okay.
You might be writing to a friend that you haven’t seen for a long time or a wishing them a happy birthday or congratulating them on some promotion or Christmas or whatever it might be.
So you’re just putting a little bit of you into that ending.
You can write it in any way that you wish.
Okay, so that’s the end of the lesson for this week, 10 ways to finish an email in English. And hopefully it wasn’t as boring as I said it might be at the beginning.
So when you practise those, you’ll be able to end the perfect email in English.
Whether you’re going to write an email with feeling or you’re writing it to some family member, or you’re writing it to a business contact, you’re going to know the way in which you can end that in an appropriate way.
Remember as always press that button, subscribe to my channel and join me on and when you get there, you’re going to find the link to the Easy Peasy English club, which is there to help you to improve your English.
That’s what you want to do, and that’s what I want to help you to do. Okay? Join me again soon. englishclass101
More Information
For more information on English grammar rules, English idiomatic expressions and English phrasal verbs, check out the following links:
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10 Ways to Finish an Email in English
Here I’ve got some ways to finish an email in English. englishclass101 This is Harry and welcome back to my