Here you will learn useful English vocabulary phrases related to problems and advice.
Unsure what to say when someone’s facing problems in life? These expressions will help you in English conversations when you’re offering a piece of advice.
By the way, how many words do you know for ‘problem’ in English? Learn 8 other words to say ‘problem’ in English.
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English Vocabulary related to Problems and Advice

Sometimes life throws up problems for us. We lose our job. We get divorced, a family member dies or sometimes it’s not so dramatic but nevertheless it still tests our resolve and our ability to recover.
That got me thinking about English vocabulary related to problems and advice. What are the phrases to use in English to show we can adjust and we can start again?
Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
- What you'll learn:
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- advanced English vocabulary words
- British & American slang
- perfect your listening skills through practing different accents
- This marathon is for you if you're:
- stuck at an intermediate English level
- tired of confusing explanations
- a mature student
- shy & introverted
Move on
Meaning: to leave the past behind you and look to the future. Or somebody is leaving a company to get a new job.
This can be both physical or mental.
Moving on in your mind means forgetting the problem and think positive.
You can also physically move towns or cities or even countries.
I have had enough of this job time to move on to something bigger.
Get over it
Meaning: to forget about the problem, accept it and leave it in the past.
Often a phrase a friend will use when giving advice. “Ok, so she left you for another guy.”
Get over it and find another girl. There are plenty out there!
English Vocabulary related to Problems and Advice
Let it go
Meaning: to forget about something.
Often a problem stays with us for a long time because we will not let go. Stop the problem letting worry you and make that new start.
If you really want to make a new start you have to let it go.
“Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore” – sings Elsa from “Frozen”
Leave it all behind
Meaning: to forget about your problem. Something we all would like to do at some time in our lives.
Oh, why don’t we sell up and move away leave it all behind us, for a while anyway!
Make a new start
Meaning: exactly what it says. Start afresh a whole new beginning.
Making a new start is not always easy but it can also be fun.
English Vocabulary related to Problems and Advice
Draw a line in the sand
Meaning: to set a limit or to put a stop to something
A well-used cliché. However, it can be true. When faced with a problem and continuing with it will only cause more stress then it is often better to draw a line in the sand leave the past behind and look to the future. New rules, new agreements and no old baggage.
They had a very bad argument and nobody was prepared to give in. One person suggested they agree to draw a line in the sand and begin again. The both agreed and the argument was soon forgotten.

More Information
For more information on English Expressions, Phrasal Verbs and new Vocabulary Words, check out the following links:
How to Negotiate Price in English
Free learning materials for intermediate and advanced English are always available at Learning English with the BBC
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