English Collocations Related To Achievements

Learn English collocations related to achievements—a topic that often comes up in IELTS and other English proficiency exams. Learn how to talk about your achievements and goals in English.

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List of collocations

English Collocations Related To Achievements

So in this advanced English class, we’re focusing on collocations, specifically those connected to achievements.

Achievements are a topic that frequently comes up in IELTS exams and other English proficiency tests, having appeared quite a few times in recent years. Questions may revolve around achievements or related topics such as goals.

The English collocations I’m about to share can be useful when discussing achievements or goals, helping you in preparation for crucial proficiency exams like IELTS or CAE.

As always, you know the drill by now—I’ve prepared 10 specific examples to share with you. Later on, we’ll discuss situations where you can effectively use them.

to pursue a dream

Meaning: to actively work towards something you really want in your life


Sarah decided to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher by going to college and studying education.

In order to pursue my dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur, I am carefully planning each step.

primary goal

Meaning: the main or most important thing someone is trying to achieve or accomplish


My primary goal for the next six months is to meet all key objectives.

My primary goal is to improve, based on the feedback from the assessment by my manager.

The primary goal in football is to win the match.

English Collocations Related To Achievements

Collocations Related To Achievements. English speaking skills. Improve English speaking skills. Upgrade your vocabulary. English grammar rules. Improve English speaking. Advanced English lessons on Zoom and Skype. Improve English speaking and writing skills. #learnenglish

attainable goal/target

Meaning: something you can realistically achieve or reach


It is very disheartening when your boss sets unattainable goals for you.

An attainable target is really important because it helps you with your confidence.

A 40km marathon is an attainable goal, but only if you do the necessary practice.

to strive for success

Meaning: to work hard and make a strong effort to achieve your goals or be successful in what you do


In school exams, strive for success through regular study, focus, and seeking help when needed.

Strive for success by scoring well in your exams for university entry.

financially motivated

Meaning: being driven or influenced by the desire to earn money or financial gain


Emma worked extra hours because she was financially motivated to earn a bonus.

The car dealer was financially motivated to sell more vehicles and maximise the earnings.

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to overcome obstacles

Meaning: facing and successfully dealing with challenges or problems to achieve a goal


Sarah worked hard to overcome obstacles and successfully complete her college degree.

With determination and perseverance, people can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

time constraints

Meaning: having a limited time or a deadline for completing something


Despite time constraints, the team met the deadline and earned a bonus for their efforts.

Meeting the essay deadline was tough due to time constraints, but I finished it on time.

Time constraints with exams in May prompted me to focus on efficient study methods.

There is a one-hour time constraint for Paper One of the math exam.

to reach your target

Meaning: to achieve the goals or objectives you have set for yourself


The car dealer worked hard to reach his targets by the end of the year and managed to sell 5 cars in the last 3 days.

On the seventh day of marathon preparation, I aimed to reach my target by running 8 kilometres.

English Collocations Related To Achievements

Collocations Related To Achievements. English speaking skills. Improve English speaking skills. Upgrade your vocabulary. English grammar rules. Improve English speaking. Advanced English lessons on Zoom and Skype. Improve English speaking and writing skills. #learnenglish

crowning moment

Meaning: the most significant or proudest part of an event or achievement, like the highlight or best part


My crowning moment was when the board accepted my proposal, marking the beginning of a significant project.

My crowning moment was when the boss congratulated me for achieving the company’s year-end goals.

to fulfil ambitions

Meaning: to achieve the things you strongly desire or dream of in your life


Starting my own business was a way to fulfil my ambitions and pursue my passion for entrepreneurship.

I fulfilled my ambitions by finishing the race and felt really good about myself.

Okay, so practice these English collocations related to achievements — you know the drill. Practice them and see how you can introduce them into your English conversations. Test how well you can use them, and make sure you understand their usage. If you have any difficulties, feel free to come back, and we can provide you with other examples.

I’m always happy to help; it’s great to hear from you. Visit www.englishlessonviaskype.com, and give me a shout if you need anything else. I appreciate your time watching and learning.

This is Harry saying goodbye, and I look forward to having you join me for the next lesson.

speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 464

more information

For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:

12 Ways to say STOP in English

English vocabulary related to MOVIES

You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.

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