Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary

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  • Post last modified:16/01/2025
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  • Reading time:9 mins read

With my healthy lifestyle IELTS vocabulary you won’t have any problems talking about a particular topic in Speaking Part 2 of the IELTS exam.

Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary: Healthy Lifestyle IELTS vocabulary to help you achive a high score in your IELTS test. Vocabulary you need to know for IELTS #learnenglish #englishlessons #tienganh #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas #ielts

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One of the most popular IELTS essay topics is health.

These vocabulary words can also be helpful when writing an essay in Task 2 of the Writing module.

Essay in Writing task 2 should have a minimum of 250 words and consist of the following 3 parts:

  • 1stparagraph – introduction
  • 2ndand 3rd paragraphs – body of essay
  • 4thparagraph – conclusion

You will find sample IELTS essay below and then we’ll go through healthy lifestyle IELTS vocabulary words.

Healthy Lifestyle - Sample IELTS Essay Topic

The number of people who are at risk of serious heath problems due to being overweight is increasing. What is the reason for the growth in overweight people in society? How can this be solved?

Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary - Sample IELTS Essay

The World Health Organisation recently released a report that 1 in 3 11-year-olds is overweight or obese. One of the solutions to stop the growth in overweight people in society is to introduce healthy lifestyle habits from as early as possible.

A balanced diet is the key to a healthy weight. Make sure that you eat a variety of foods. It is vital to eat from all five food groups. Try to buy fresh ingredients and free-range meats. Processed food often contains a lot of additives that are not as nutritious as fresh food. Make sure you include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Modern dietitians strongly advise to eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Try to avoid fattening food and cut down on the amount of salt and sugar you eat.

Eat moderate portions and don’t be tempted to order a larger meal when eating out. Restaurants often serve portions that are enough for two or three people. Children should be getting smaller portions than adults. Make sure you eat regularly and don’t skip meals, this can help you to moderate snacking and control your appetite. If you have a food allergy, you don’t need to completely eliminate your favourite foods. Do check the food labels properly and avoid any of the ingredients that can make your condition worse.

Regular physical activity is also a crucial part of a healthy life. Exercise keeps you feeling good and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

To summarise, following a healthy eating plan can help you prevent  overweight and obesity, it is therefore vitally important to include the right types of food in your everyday diet and to exercise daily.*

* – you will find the meaning of the words in bold below

Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary

  • Nutritious – good for your body
  • Nutrition – the process of obtaining food necessary for growth and health  
  • Variety – a lot of different
  • Food allergy – a condition that causes illness if you eat certain foods
  • Food intolerance – a condition when you cannot digest certain food properly, for example, lactose intolerance
  • Vital – very important
  • Moderate – neither small nor large
  • Free-range – relating to farm animals that are not kept in cages
  • Serving – portion
  • To eliminate – totally remove
  • Cut down on smth – to have less of smth
  • Fattening – makes you fat
  • Appetite – desire to eat
  • Strongly advise – to recommend
  • Balanced diet – you eat all the right food your body needs
  • Snack – small amount of food between meals
  • Obese (adj) – unhealthy overweight (obesity – noun)
  • To digest – to change food into substances your body can use for health and growth
  • Fibre – The parts of fruit, vegetables and grain that your body cannot digest.
IELTS Vocabulary: Healthy Lifestyle IELTS vocabulary to help you achive a high score in your IELTS test. Vocabulary you need to know for IELTS #learnenglish #englishlessons #tienganh #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas #ielts

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Confusing English Adjectives - Important


HEALTH is a noun.

✔️ I’m in good health. 

❌ I am in good healthy.

HEALTHY is an adjective.

✔️ In order to stay healthy, you need to exercise regularly.

❌ In order to stay health, you need to exercise regularly.


More Information

For more information in English Expressions, Phrasal Verbs and English Idioms, check out the following links:

English Phrasal Verbs with OVER

English Idioms related to GOALS

English Expressions about TALKING

There is plenty of learning material available on BBC learning English and LearnEnglish British Council, 2 websites that I always recommend to my students.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Magdalena

    Good info! Lucky me I came across your blog by an accident.
    I’ve bookmarked it for later.

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