Here you will learn useful expressions and phrases for presentations in English:
- setting the scene
- moving on
- dealing with questions
- dealing with the unexpected
- recapping
- finish your presentation
You will also learn useful business English phrases with Conference call English vocabulary and 10 Ways to finish an email in English.
Table of Contents
Presentations in English - Useful Phrases

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Presentations in English - Setting the Scene
Speaker’s opening remarks to an audience:
- It’s good to see you all here.
- I’m very pleased to be here.
- I’m glad you could all make it.
- Thanks for inviting me.
- Thank you (all) for coming.
Other common phrases for starting off presentations in English:
- My name’s …
- I’d like to talk about …
- I’d like to start by saying something about …
- I’m planning to tell you about …
- Today I’d like to introduce …
Phrases for describing the structure of a talk:
- First I’ll describe …
- Then I’ll discuss …
- After that I’ll come to the main point.
- Finally, I’d like to say something about …
Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
- What you'll learn:
- better understanding of more complex grammar structures
- advanced English vocabulary words
- British & American slang
- perfect your listening skills through practing different accents
- This marathon is for you if you're:
- stuck at an intermediate English level
- tired of confusing explanations
- a mature student
- shy & introverted
Presentations in English - Moving on
Phrases for finishing off a section of your presentation:
- … that’s all I wanted to say …
- Are there any questions so far?
- Moving on to my next point.
- To summarise what I have said so far …
Announcing a new point in yout presentation:
- That leads me to my next point.
- I’d now like to move on to …
- Moving on to …
- Now I’d like to talk about …
Sometimes you can announce the next slide/topic as follows:
- So, next year’s budget …
- So, sales in Europe …
- Development plans for next years. These are …
- Study programmes, have a look at …
Presentations in English - Dealing with Questions
Useful phrases for when you don’t know the answer to a question:
- I’m afraid I can’t say …
- I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer.
- I’ll have to check this for you.
- I’m not the best person to answer that.
- You need to speak with …
Useful phrases when you can’t hear something:
- Sorry, I didn’t catch your question.
- Could you repeat the question?
- Could you say that again?
- Sorry, what did you say?
Presentations in English - Dealing with the Unexpected
Very useful phrases if you need time to check something or find something:
- Could you bear with me …
- Excuse me for a moment.
- Just a moment.
- Could you give me two minutes?
Useful English phrases if you forget what you wanted to say:
- Sorry, where was I?
- Can you/anyone help me?
- Let me think.
Presentations in English - Recapping
Useful language for recapping/summarising what was said earlier in the presentation:
- As I mentioned earlier …
- As I pointed out earlier …
- To sum up …
- Let’s summarise briefly what we have looked at.
- Here is a quick recap of the main points of this section.
- I’d like to recap the main points.
- Well, that’s about it for this part. We’ve covered…
Presentations in English - Coming to an End
Language for ending presentations in English:
- I’d like to finish by thanking you all.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for inviting me.
- Are there any questions?
- … you are very welcome to contact me …
- I’d be very happy to hear from you.
- I’d welcome your feedback.
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More information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
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