Stop saying “Very!”
In this vocabulary lesson, you’ll learn how to stop saying VERY in English and replace it with more powerful and advanced adjectives to sound like a native speaker. It’s time to break the habit of repeating the same words over and over again!
Stop saying “very” in daily conversation. Stop saying “very” in IELTS speaking. Learn to use a wide vocabulary to express your thoughts and feelings.
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Other words for very
stop saying very in English
Here I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language. Trying to help you with expressions and phrasal verbs everything and anything that we believe will help you to improve your conversational English, your business English preparation for proficiency exams or indeed to prepare for that all-important job interview.
So in this advanced English lesson, we’re going to look at other words to use instead of “very.” I got 20 particular examples. Let’s start.
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it’s an intensifier; we use it to strengthen the meaning of other expressions
✅ The weather is cold.
✅ The weather is very cold.
✅ The weather is really cold.
Very vs Really
we don’t use “very” when we go up in terms of our intensity
✅ I’m very tired.
✅ I’m really tired.
❌ I’m very exhausted.
✅ I’m really exhausted.
❌ That book was very amazing.
✅ That book was really amazing.
stop saying very in English

very noisy
The music is very noisy.
The music is deafening.
very often
I meet him very often.
I meet him frequently.
very old
That statue is very old.
That statue is ancient.
very open
His conversation is very open.
1. transparent
His conversation is transparent.
2. clear
His conversation is very clear.
3. accessible
His conversation is accessible.
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very poor
This area of the city is very poor.
This area of the city is destitute.
very powerful
His argument is very powerful.
His argument is compelling.
very pretty
The view is very pretty.
The view is stunning.
very quick
There was a very quick change in the temperature.
There was a rapid change in the temperature.
very quiet
Everyone has gone very quiet.
Everyone has hushed.
The teacher addressed the hushed classroom.
very rich
This area of the city is very rich.
This area of the city is affluent.
very sad
The music is very sad.
1. sorrowful
The music is sorrowful.
2. dejected
The people are dejected.
very scared
I’m very scared of big dogs.
1. petrified
I’m petrified of big dogs.
2. terrified
I’m terrified of thunder and lightning storms.
very serious
The situation is very serious.
His illness is very serious.
The situation is grave.
His illness is grave.
stop saying very in English

very shiny
The car is very shiny. I polished it well.
1. gleaming
Wow, the car is gleaming!
2. lustrous
Her hair was lustrous and full.
very short
His presentation was good, but it was very short.
His presentation was good, but it was brief.
very shy
He is very shy.
1. timid
He is timid.
2. bashful
He is bashful.
3. sheepish
He is sheepish.
very simple
The exercise is very simple.
1. basic
The exercise is basic.
2. plain
The food was really good, but it was plain.
very angry
She was very angry.
1. furious
He was absolutely furious when he learnt that I hadn’t completed the work on time.
2. outraged
He was outraged.
3. irate
The customer was irate because their order has gone wrong.
speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 423
very bad
The service was very bad.
1. awful
The service was awful.
2. atrocious
The service was atrocious.
3. unacceptable
The service was unacceptable.
✅ The weather was awful.
✅ The weather was atrocious.
❌ The weather was unacceptable.
very busy
I’m very busy at work.
1. swamped
I’m swamped with work.
2. snowed under
I’m snowed under with work.
So there you have 20 particular examples of very simple ways in which we can use “very” and then other alternatives instead of saying “very.”
You need to practise them, to understand them and put them into your speech or into your writing. Try to learn a few every week.
If you have any problems, contact me at Always happy to help you.
This is Harry hoping you enjoyed this particular lesson. And make sure you join me for the next one.
more information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
English Travelling Collocations
Difference between Older and Elder
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.
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