Learn adjective preposition FCE collocations. These fixed expressions will help you produce the language of the level required to do well in the FCE exam.
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Adjective + Preposition Pairs
FCE Collocations - Adjective + Preposition
Welcome back to advanced English lessons with Harry.
And in the class today, we’re going to look at collocations for FCE, or indeed any other English proficiency exam that you wish to take. So we’re going to look at adjective preposition FCE collocations, and the emphasis is going to be on the correct preposition that we use with each of those adjectives.
accustomed to (doing) sth
Meaning: familiar with sth
He is accustomed to having two cups of coffee in the morning.
capable of sth/doing sth
Meaning: be able to do sth
He is capable of so much more. He needs to apply himself better.
good at sth/doing sth
Meaning: being able to do sth really well
He’s really good at sports. He loves football and rugby.
relevant to sth
Meaning: important or significant
This document is relevant to the conversation we had yesterday.
afraid of sth/sb/doing sth
Meaning: feeling fear
Don’t mind that dog, he is afraid of his own shadow.
afraid of = scared of = frightened of
afraid to do something
I never really was afraid to fly until I had my children.
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dependent on sth/sb
Meaning: relying on sth/sb
He’s dependent on his pension now that he has retired.
jealous of sth/sb
Meaning: unhappy because you want sth someone has
He was always jealous of me because I was better at sport.
responsible for
Meaning: in charge of sth as part of your job
He’s responsible for the marketing and communications.
responsible to someone
Meaning: have someone in charge of you
He reports directly to the managing director. He is responsible to him.
ashamed of sth/sb
Meaning: guilty or embarrassed about sth
He’s ashamed of his parents because of their poor background.
FCE Collocations - Adjective + Preposition

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famous for (doing) sth
Meaning: known to many people because of sth
Sir Geoff Hurst is famous for scoring a hat-trick in a World Cup final.
proud of (doing) sth/sb
Meaning: happy or satisfied about sth/sb
He’s proud of being a Scotsman.
sensitive to sth
Meaning: easily affected or distressed by sth
He’s very sensitive to criticism. He doesn’t like to be criticised.
FCE Collocations - Adjective + Preposition
aware of sth
Meaning: having knowledge of sth
It’s always a good thing to be aware of your own weaknesses.
full of sth
Meaning: having a lot of sth
Don’t listen to him. He is full of crap. He talks rubbish.
ready to do sth
Meaning: fully prepared
I’m ready to leave the minute you tell me.
ready for sth
Meaning: fully prepared
I’m ready for action! When are we going to climb that mountain?
typical of sb
Meaning: behaving in the usual way (often bad)
That’s so typical of him! You can never rely on that guy.
FCE Collocations - Adjective + Preposition

So here are our FCE collocations for today. As I said, these expressions will also be useful for all those proficiency exams that you might like to do.
And it’s really important to understand what the adjective means.
But more important and as important is to understand and remember the preposition that goes with each of those adjectives.
So practice them where you can. If you have any problems, check them out in one of your grammar books or come back to me. I’d be happy to help you.
Please contact me at www.englishlessonviaskype.com. That’s where you get me.
Any comments, anything you want me to include? Let me know I’d be happy to look after it for you. Okay, it’s Harry saying goodbye. Thanks for listening and thanks for watching. Join me again soon.
speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 519
More information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
Phrasal verbs related to behaviour
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.