There are other words for difficult that you need to know. These alternative words will help you boost your vocabulary, particularly if you want to upgrade your English level.
Hi, there this is Harry and I want to talk to you today about the word difficult. D I F F I C U L T. Let’s learn how and when we use the word ‘difficult’ and what does it mean.
Words to use instead of difficult
Other Words for Difficult
Of course, it’s not such a difficult word to explain and we use it a lot when we have a problem with homework when we have a problem with our sports activities or relationships so it’s a common word and in that use.
But with English and particularly when I’m teaching English, I like my students to understand alternative options, synonyms that they can use so they don’t have to repeat the same word over and over again.
And, of course, if you’re studying English seriously and you want to take some exams (FCE, IELTS) then a broader and wider vocabulary is absolutely essential.
Particularly for the spoken and written parts of those exams.
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Meaning: something that requires a lot of effort, time, or attention
Harry’s job is very demanding. Preparing lessons and planning student activities are very demanding.
Checking homework can be very demanding when you see the same mistakes repeated over and over again.
A doctor’s job is often demanding due to the constant need for attention to detail and care.
Meaning: something is difficult but also provides an opportunity for growth, improvement, or learning
Climbing a mountain is challenging, requiring both physical strength and mental perseverance.
This route looks challenging, but when you reach the top, you’ll feel really good about it.
Meaning: something that requires a lot of effort or endurance to manage or overcome
The student found the math problem tough and had to work hard to solve it.
It’s going to be tough. You’ll need to remember the entire course material and answer complex questions during the final exam.
The exam today was really tough. Some questions were challenging, but I managed to get through it okay.
13 Other Words to Say Difficult in English

Meaning: something that is extremely difficult, requiring great amounts of effort and endurance
Reaching the west of the country was an arduous task. None of the travel arrangements went as planned.
At the end of the arduous journey, I was ready to rest and recover.
Meaning: tasks or situations that seem overwhelming or very hard to manage at first
Training for and completing a marathon is a daunting task for many athletes.
Even though training for the marathon was daunting, I’m so glad I achieved my goal.
be no picnic
Meaning: tasks or situations that are particularly difficult and unpleasant
Navigating through the legal paperwork for the new business was no picnic.
Dealing with the city’s rush hour traffic every day is no picnic.
Meaning: to describe activities or tasks that demand a lot of physical or mental effort
Carrying supplies up the steep mountain path was a strenuous activity for the hikers.
The intense negotiations were strenuous, leaving everyone mentally exhausted by the end.
13 Other Words to Say Difficult in English

Meaning: tasks that are extremely tiring and require prolonged effort
Laying asphalt for eight hours under the hot summer sun was gruelling.
The physical demands of lifting heavy loads all day made the factory job gruelling.
Meaning: to describe tasks that are strict and demanding, requiring detailed attention
The quality control team implemented rigorous procedures to ensure every product met the highest standards.
Every fifth item is taken off the conveyor belt and undergoes a rigorous inspection procedure.
Meaning: when referring to situations or tasks that are difficult due to their uncomfortable or inconvenient nature
I wouldn’t be inclined to use awkward as difficult. It can be used but it has many other meanings as well, so I wouldn’t use it as an option for difficult.
Things felt a bit awkward after the argument. It took a while before anyone could speak again.
Starting a conversation after the row was very awkward, and nobody wanted to be the first to do it.
You’ve put me in an awkward situation. I don’t really want to help them. How will I tell them now?
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Meaning: something extremely filthy or difficult, especially a task that seems almost impossible to complete
It originates from the Augean stables in Greek mythology, which Hercules had to clean as one of his twelve labourers. The stables had not been cleaned for years, and Hercules faced an enormous challenge.
Organising the company’s archives, which had been neglected for over a decade, was an Augean task.
The committee found overhauling the outdated computer system to be an Augean challenge.
Meaning: use for tasks or situations that require significant effort and perseverance
Passing the driving test was hard because I struggled with the road signs and manoeuvres.
It’s hard to pass exams when you’re older because you’ve been out of school for so long.
It’s hard to say sorry when you know you’ve really hurt someone’s feelings.
Meaning: use for tasks that are complicated and not straightforward; it makes you think
Harry enjoys tricky crossword puzzles because they make him think and keep his mind active.
I haven’t looked at mathematics for a long time, so that problem seemed tricky to me.
Handling the clash of personalities between the two employees in the office can be quite tricky.
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More Information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
How to express regrets in English?
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