Here you will learn 8 English idioms with Hit.
Hit the ground running, hit the hay/sack, hit the nail on the head and more
Learning popular English idioms will help you expand your vocabulary and achieve fluency in English.
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speak better English with Harry - Episode 256
list of idioms with hit
English idioms with hit

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Hi, there this is Harry and welcome to my English learning podcast Speak Better English with Harry where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language. You will be able to communicate in English a better and more effective way.
Today, we’re going to look in this podcast episode at the word ‘hit’.
I’m going to look at 8 English idioms with hit with meanings and examples.
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INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
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hit the ground running
Meaning: to start doing something straight away with great enthusiasm, without any extra training, induction, or hand-holding
I’m ready to hit the ground running, I’ve got everything I need for my project.
We don’t have a lot of time to train you, are you ready to hit the ground running?
Our new sales manager is a very intelligent individual and he’s got plenty of experience, so I think he’ll be able to hit the ground running.
You might find it in the warm-up before a football match the manager says to the players,
We need to hit the ground running, we can’t afford to waste 10 minutes getting into this game. We’ve got to get into the game from the kickoff.
hit the ground running meaning
hit the ground running - video lesson
hit the dust
Meaning: we use it when something has failed not drastically or in a catastrophic way, but it just didn’t happen
I was working on this project for many weeks hoping to get it going but at the end, it just hit the dust.
Be very careful there is another expression
bite the dust
and when somebody bites the dust they literally fall down with their headfirst into the dirt so they have the dirt in their mouth.
8 English idioms with hit
hit the hay/sack
Meaning: to go to sleep, to go to bed
The day is over, I’m tired, I’m going to hit the sack.
It’s been a long long day, we’ve been travelling for a long time. As soon as I get into this hotel, I’m going to hit the hay.
to hit it off
Meaning: to get on with somebody very quickly, to make a quick connection with another person
When we first met, we weren’t sure what to expect but within a few minutes we were laughing and joking, we really hit it off from the beginning.
to hit the roof
Meaning: to get really really angry; to jump up and down with anger
Dad is going to hit the roof when he finds out I scratched his car.
8 English idioms with hit
to hit the town
Meaning: to go out and have a good time; t get into the city and enjoy yourself
We’ve been in lockdown, now the restaurants are opening. I’ve booked a place in the centre of the city, let’s hit the town.
hit the road
Meaning: to get on your way
I think I’ll hit the road and I’ll get home just in time to say good night to the kids.
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to hit the nail on the head
Meaning: to get something exactly right
This journalist, he’s hit the nail on the head again. He does it time and time again he really gets it right to the centre of the problem, and he’s able to explain it in a good way.
hit the nail on the head meaning
hit the nail on the head - video lesson
8 English idioms with hit
So here are my English idioms with hit. Let me give them to you again:
- hit the ground running
- hit the dust
- hit the hay/sack
- hit it off
- hit the roof
- hit the town
- hit the road
- hit the nail on the head
That’s the end of this particular podcast episode, I hope you enjoy it.
If you want to contact me, you can do so on
I’m always very happy to hear from you, very happy to include anything that you want at a later date or explain something to you again.
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More information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
Don’t forget to check out Learning English with the British Council for intermediate and advanced English materials.