26 Phrasal Verbs with OUT

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  • Post last modified:28/08/2024
  • Post category:Phrasal Verbs
  • Reading time:14 mins read

Today’s video is all about learning phrasal verbs with ‘out’ in English. These verbs are a key part of everyday English and are great for enhancing your informal communication skills. You’ll see practical examples that show how to use these expressions naturally in conversations.

You might want to refresh your knowledge on the grammar of phrasal verbs and find out about the types of phrasal verbs in English.

Today, let’s concentrate on the preposition out and here is the list of the phrasal verbs that I have for you today:

List of phrasal verbs with out

26 Phrasal Verbs with Out

look out

Meaning: to be alert and aware of potential dangers or opportunities


‘Look out! There is a car coming’ he shouted to the boy who was about to cross the road.

put out

Meaning: to extinguish a fire


Paris firefighters battled through the night to put out the blaze at Notre Dame Cathedral.

Meaning: to switch off a light


Could you please put out the light in the kitchen?

try something out

Meaning: to test something, to see if something works the way you want it to work


Nowadays software comes in so many forms, that you need to try it out before you buy it.

hand out

Meaning: to give something to different people in a group


The teachers asked me to hand out the exam papers.

break out

Meaning: something starts suddenly and quickly spreads (a war, epidemic, etc)


The disease first received international attention when an epidemic broke out at the end of the XIX century.

die out

Meaning: something gradually ceases to exist and eventually disappears


Unless something is done soon, hedgehogs will die out in the UK within the next 20 years.

puzzle out

Meaning: to solve or figure out something that is complex or difficult, often requiring careful thought or effort


It’ll take me a little while to puzzle out what they are looking for.

I puzzled out the visa questionnaire of 20 questions with some help.

They had to puzzle out the logistics of organising the event with limited resources.

pop out meaning - video lesson

26 Phrasal Verbs with Out

turn out

Meaning: to happen in a certain way, to have a particular result


We thought we were seeing the real painting, but it turned out to be a fraud. 

pass out

Meaning: to faint or lose consciousness


It was so hot and stuffy in the room that I thought I was going to pass out.

check out

Meaning: to investigate or examine something to obtain information about it


I’m excited to check out the local restaurants in my new neighbourhood and see what they have to offer.

Meaning: to leave a place, especially a hotel or a store, after paying and returning any keys or items that were borrowed


We checked out of the hotel on Sunday morning and went straight to the airport.

After grabbing a few essentials, I headed to the front to check out at the supermarket.

stand out

Meaning: to be very noticeable in one way or other


She’s recently dyed her hair blue and now really stands out in a crowd.

26 Phrasal Verbs with Out

Phrasal verbs with out. Improve your English skills from intermediate to advanced with www.englishlessonviaskype.com #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

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leave out

Meaning: to not include something or someone


Sarah was very unlucky yesterday. She got an awkward seat at the table where she was completely left out of conversations.

find out

Meaning: to discover or obtain information, often through investigation or inquiry


I need to find out some information about the upcoming event.

I’m checking my emails and post every day to find out if I got the job.

What did you find out in school today?

Go on to the internet and you’ll find out lots of information for your project.

The plumber was called to find out the source of the leak under the kitchen sink.

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make out

Meaning: to manage to see, read or hear something


His accent is so strong, I can hardly make out what he is saying.

pile out

Meaning: to exit or leave a place in a large, disorderly, or hurried manner, often involving a crowd


After the concert finished, the crowd piled out of the venue onto the streets.

When we arrived at the football grounds, the kids piled out of the car and ran towards the pitch.

Kids pile out laughing and shouting when the school day ends.

26 Phrasal Verbs with Out

16 Phrasal Verbs with Out with meanings and examples. Learn English with Harry at www.englishlessonviaskype.com #learnenglish #englishlessons #tienganh #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #อังกฤษ #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

suss something out

Meaning: to figure out, understand, or discover something through observation, investigation, or deduction


Last year, I had to suss out what Tom wanted for his birthday present.

I had to suss out what he’s into these days to get a clue about what to get him for a gift.

come out

Meaning: to be available to the public


His last book came out just before Christmas.

Meaning: to announce that you are gay


The famous star came out to his family during their last holiday trip.

knock out

Meaning: to make someone unconscious for a while


The pills knocked me out, I didn’t hear her.

Meaning: to eliminate someone from a competition


They were lucky to stay in the top four with a victory over the team they knocked out of the tournament.

run out

Meaning: to exhaust the supply of something


I really wanted to have porridge for breakfast but we’ve run out of milk and I can’t have it with water.

splash out meaning - video lesson

figure out

Meaning: to solve a problem, understand a complex issue, or find an answer through thought


He spent the evening trying to figure out his tax return before the deadline.

I’m trying to figure out what the customer needs because they left a very unclear message.

Can you help me figure this out? I don’t get this math problem at all.

He managed to figure out the solution to the puzzle after several hours of concentration.

drown out

Meaning: to make a sound inaudible by overpowering it with a louder noise


The music was drowned out by the digging in the building next door.

The music drowned out the sound of children misbehaving upstairs.

His loud voice drowned out mine, and nobody heard what I said.

sound out

Meaning: to discreetly ask someone’s opinion to see how they feel without sharing your own thoughts


I wanted to see what everyone thought about the idea, so I sounded out a few friends before the meeting.

We organised a meeting to sound out everyone’s opinions on the new product.

They’re going door-to-door to sound out the community on what should be developed on the empty site.

worm sth out of sb

Meaning: to persuade or coax someone into giving information that they are reluctant to share


He managed to worm the details of the surprise party out of her.

Why couldn’t you just give me that information before? Why did I have to worm it out of you?

fathom out

Meaning: to understand something after much thought, especially something complex or difficult


I just cannot fathom out what he wants.

It’s really going to take me ages to fathom out where to start.

I’m sure she cannot fathom out what happened. Why did he leave?

speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 498

More Information

For more information on English collocations, English vocabulary and English grammar rules, check out the following links:

Collocations with Speak and Speech

Useful Vocabulary for Cycling

Difference between SO and SUCH

Free resources are always available at Learn English with British Council.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Vsnmurthy

    Very good learning,I am interested to learn.

    1. Harry

      Thank you. Glad you liked. There’s plenty of English learning material on my site

  2. Vsnmurthy

    Learning is a continual , and required to correct.

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