speak better English with Harry - Episode 321
List of phrasal verbs related to behaviour
behaviour phrasal verbs in English

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Hi there, this is Harry and welcome back to another podcast episode where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language.
Here we look at the vocabulary, your spoken English, conversational English to help you improve your prospects for jobs with international companies. Whatever the reason, come to us and we certainly can try and help you. At the end of this podcast, I will give you my contact details for you, your friends or family members.
So, what are we going to talk about today? In this particular podcast, we’re going to take a look at some phrasal verbs, and they are behaviour phrasal verbs in English.
Behaviour is the way we do things or the way we act.
As always, I’ll go down through them one by one, and then I’ll go through them individually.
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The first one is
to cheer someone up
Meaning: to get someone feel better about themselves because they were probably feeling sad before that
How do we cheer someone up?
We tell them a funny story. Or we tell them the good or we tell them they did well, or whatever we do. We get them feeling better about themselves. We make them forget about whatever the problems are, and perhaps make their life better.
Why don’t you go inside have a chat with Mary, cheer her up? She’s feeling a little bit depressed because the exam didn’t quite go the way she thought.
to tire someone out
Meaning: to make someone feel exhausted
Oh, that workout I did last week completely tired me out.
Watching somebody run the marathon would actually tire you out, you don’t know how they are able to run for such a long distance.
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to calm down
Meaning: to try to forget about the trouble, feel less emotional and relax; or to make someone do this
The woman next to me was very agitated, and one member of the cabin crew tried to calm her down.
to make something up
Meaning: to invent a story or excuse
Sarah had a bad weekend. She rang in on Monday and made up a story that she was suffering from the flu.
behaviour phrasal verbs in English

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to rush into something
Meaning: to make a very sudden decision, a very quick decision
You can also use it in a negative way.
Don’t rush into any quick decisions.
Well, I told you, you shouldn’t rush into a decision because when you make a decision very quickly, you usually make the wrong one.
This was a mistake. I think I should have stayed at my old job. I shouldn’t have rushed into it.
to fit in with
Meaning: to blend in with everybody else, to not appear to be different
It’s not so easy to fit in with the crowd if you move to another country, but this is what you have to try and do.
People come to me to learn English because they want to fit in better with their colleagues or people that they have to talk to on conference calls.
behaviour phrasal verbs in English
to look down on
Meaning: to think that somebody is not as good or as valuable as you are
The king and queen look down on the poor people outside the castle and throw them some bread crumbs.
to stand up for
Meaning: to defend or protect something you value (person or thing)
If you don’t agree with bullying in school, then you stand up for that.
You can quite literally stand up for the old lady who gets on the bus and she got nowhere to sit. So you stand up for that lady and offer her your seat.
behaviour phrasal verbs in English
to rely on
Meaning: to depend on somebody or something, or we need them for something
I’m relying on you to finish the project.
I’m relying on you to tell me the truth.
I’m relying on you to help me get this work done.
Your children rely on you to protect them.
You could quite simply use it to your view of waiting for the plumber or the electrician to come and fix something and you say,
Oh, look, this pipe burst over the weekend and I had a mini flood in my kitchen, I managed to stop the water. But I’m really relying on you to come as quickly as you can to fix it.
to let down
Meaning: to disappoint someone
I hope you are reliable, please don’t let me down.
We let down somebody when we do something that they didn’t want us to do. Or we didn’t do something that they expected us to do. Either way, they will feel let down.
We can let someone down gently. So if we have to tell them some bad news, we have to find a way in which we can break that news to them rather gently.
So there are behaviour phrasal verbs in English. The way we act with people, the way we relate to people.
Let me give them to you one more time:
- cheer someone up
- tire someone out
- calm down
- make sth up
- rush into
- fit in with
- look down on
- stand up for
- rely on
- let down
Okay, so English phrasal verbs related to behaviour. Hope you’ve enjoyed this particular podcast. As always, if you want to contact me, then you can do so on www.englishlessonviaskype.com. Always happy to hear from you. Always happy to get your suggestions.
Remember, we can always arrange for you to have one-to-one online English lessons on Zoom or Skype.
As always, thanks for listening. Join me again soon.
More information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
Phrasal verbs related to relationships
Difference between LIKE and AS
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC.
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