Learn phrasal verbs related to communication.
14 advanced and proficiency (C1/C2) phrasal verbs that will help to take your English to another level. These phrasal verbs will also be useful to you if you are preparing for an English exam (FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS etc)
Using phrasal verbs in conversation can help you to sound more native when speaking English.
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List of phrasal verbs
C1 phrasal verbs related to communication
So what’s the lesson today? So today we’re going to talk about phrasal verbs. C1 phrasal verbs connected to communication.
So phrasal verbs related to communication. As always, I’m going to go through them one by one. So I’ll give them give you the list and I’m going to give you some examples of how you can use them and what they mean. So I’ve got 14 of them, I’ve counted them well.
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to blurt out
Meaning: to say something that you weren’t supposed to say
Michael said something inappropriate at a meeting; he just blurted it out. And everybody started laughing.
to catch on
Meaning: to understand something
The kids picked up on it, they asked intelligent questions. They were quick to catch on.
We don’t have much time. So hopefully, I’ll continue and you’ll catch on to what I’m saying quite quickly.
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to come out
Meaning: to be introduced to the market
All of the car companies are now coming out with their own electric vehicle.
Meaning: to become common knowledge
That’s come out all wrong. I didn’t mean to say that. What I meant to say was…
to dry up
Meaning: to stop talking because you forgot what you were supposed to say
My presentation is okay. I just hope I don’t dry up as soon as I get to the podium.
Meaning: stop talking, shut up
Would you just dry up! I’ve been listening to you for hours.
C1 phrasal verbs related to communication

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to get across
Meaning: to explain something
He was trying to get across to the people why they should vote for him in the next council elections.
to get (a)round
Meaning: to avoid or deal with something
This error message comes up when trying to enter it. How do we get around this problem?
Meaning: if news gets around, a lot of people hear it
It eventually got around that he was having an affair.
C1 phrasal verbs related to communication
to get through
Meaning: to make somebody understand something
How am I going to get through to the kids in the classroom, that they really have to work hard?
The exams are in two months’ time, start working a little bit harder. Am I getting through to you?
to let on
Meaning: to talk about something that is meant to be kept secret
It’s going to be a real surprise. Don’t let on to David that there’s a surprise party.
to pass on
Meaning: to give something to somebody
I’m going to pass the message on to John when he comes back from his lunch.
C1 phrasal verbs related to communication

to put across
Meaning: to explain some idea or belief
I’d like to put across my ideas as to why eating meat or chicken is not something that we should do.
to shout down
Meaning: to make it very difficult to hear what somebody is saying
Members of the crowd tried to shout us down.
to speak out
Meaning: to talk about something that we really feel passionate about
We can’t keep it inside. We speak out, we let people know that we are worried about the environment.
Speak better English podcast - Episode 372
to talk over
Meaning: to discuss something with somebody
Let’s talk over what we’re going to do about dad. He’s been sick for a while, he needs some attention.
Meaning: to ignore the fact that someone is talking already
Please don’t talk over me when I’m trying to speak. If you keep talking over me, nobody’s going to hear my point.
to talk (a)round
Meaning: to try to get someone to change their opinion
Do you think you’re going to be able to talk Mike around to give us those extra couple of days of holidays in the end?
C1 phrasal verbs related to communication
Okay, so there’s that long, long lesson. So these are all phrasal verbs related to communication.
So let me give them to you one more time.
- blurt out
- catch on
- come out
- dry up
- get across
- get around
- get through
- let on
- pass on
- put across
- shout down
- speak out
- talk over
- talk around
Well, there are phrasal verbs related to communication. And communication is really really important. Try to to use a couple of these phrasal verbs, see how you get on.
If you have any problems, come back to me and I’ll try to give you some more explanations and examples.
And indeed, if you want to have one to one lessons with teachers and other teachers, we’ve got lots of teachers who are waiting there to help you, you or your family members will then get in touch with me and www.englishlessonviaskype.com.
You can even book a trial lesson there. It’s a free trial lesson, and you can book that trial lesson with me, and then we’ll get you up and running and ready with one of our teachers.
As always, join me again soon. Thanks for listening.
More information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
How to use stative verbs in English
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.
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