Phrasal Verbs Related To Money

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  • Post last modified:28/07/2021
  • Post category:Phrasal Verbs
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Learn phrasal verbs related to money. These unusual phrasal verbs will help you boost your advanced English vocabulary. Study advanced English and start speaking English like a native.

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phrasal verbs related to money

Hi there, this is Harry. Welcome back to my English lessons where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language.

Whether it’s to go to that job interview, improve your business English, boost your advanced vocabulary, learn popular phrasal verbs and expressions. 

Today, you’re going to learn phrasal verbs. This time, I have unusual phrasal verbs related to money

As always, I will give you the list of these phrasal verbs first, and then I’ll go and explain their meanings in detail.

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Let’s start with the first one:

to set back

Meaning: when something sets you back, it costs you a lot of money


Wow, a new camera! That must have set you back a lot of money.

This cruise holiday is going to set us back quite a lot of money.

English Expression:

to set you back a pretty penny 

to run through (their money)

Meaning: to spend money quickly 


My kids run through their pocket money very quickly; after 2 or 3 days, they come back asking for more.

I got €100 as a gift for my birthday, I ran through it so quickly.

phrasal verbs related to money

Phrasal verbs related to money. With meanings and examples. Study English advanced level. Speak better English with Harry transcript. #learnenglish #englishlessons

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to work off (the debt)

Meaning: if you work off your debt, you find some way to repay your debt when you don’t have any money


Back in the day, my grandad worked off his debt by working in the kitchen.

My parents paid half of the deposit for the car; I guess I’ll have to work it off during the summer holidays.

to cough up

Meaning: when somebody asks you to cough up, they want you to make some payment to them; to pay


Your team has lost. Come on, cough up, you owe me €10.

That looks really nice, but how much did that cost you? How much did you cough up for this?

Somebody is going to have to cough up for this bill.

phrasal verbs related to money

Phrasal verbs related to money. With meanings and examples. Study English advanced level. Speak better English with Harry transcript. #learnenglish #englishlessons

to break into

Meaning: to take some money out of your savings to pay for an emergency expense


Last week my fridge broke down. I had to break into my savings to repair it. 

I hate having to break into my savings, but what am I going to do? The car broke down just when you didn’t want it to happen.

Here I have to break into my savings yet again and put off those holidays for another day.

to gobble up

Meaning: something uses a lot of your money before you have a chance to spend it


Slot machines in the casino gobble up your money very quickly.

Before I knew it, the machine gobbled up €20.

Higher electricity costs gobble up my money every month.

The taxman gobbles up over 40% of my money.

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to put by

Meaning: to save some money on a regular basis


I like to put by some money for the kids’ education.

to square up

Meaning: to settle for some payment somebody made on your behalf when you didn’t have any money on you (usually a small payment); to give back the money that you’ve borrowed


I’ve left my wallet at home. Could you please pay the entrance fee for me? I’ll square up with you later. I hate owing money to anybody.

give somebody a digout – to lend someone money when they need it

Speak Better English with Harry - Episode 308

to live off someone

Meaning: to use someone or something to provide you with the money or other things you need


I’m tired of Adam living off us. When is he going to find a proper job and move out? Seems to be going on forever.

He retired at the age of 70 and now lives off his pension.

Some people in the UK live off the benefits that the state provides them.

to come into 

Meaning: to suddenly receive money (or property), especially when someone dies 


I came into some money recently. My elderly aunt died and has left me a thousand euro. I can now upgrade my laptop.

His family came into real wealth after winning the top prize in the Euromillions.

Common collocations:

  • to come into money
  • to come into fortune
  • to come into inheritance
  • to come into wealth

phrasal verbs related to money

to roll in

Meaning: to have plenty of money to throw around; arrive in great numbers or quantity


She is always out there spending money; she must be rolling in it.

They made 30% growth last month, and the company is rolling in money.

He’s made really clever investments. I think he is rolling in it.

During the next six months, the additional money donations kept rolling to the tune of £13,650.

So here are phrasal verbs related to money. Let me give them to you one more time:

  • to set back 
  • to run through
  • to work off 
  • to cough up
  • to break into
  • to gobble up
  • to put by
  • to square up
  • to live off someone/something
  • to come into
  • to roll in

That’s the end of our today’s lesson. If you enjoyed this lesson, please share it with your friends and family. 

If you want like to get in touch with me, you can do so at  Always happy to hear from you. Check out our offers for online English lessons on Zoom. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Join me again soon.

More information

For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:

English verbs to describe reading

How to warn someone in English

Don’t forget to check out intermediate and advanced English lessons at Learning English with the BBC.

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