Here you will learn 5 English verbs that you can use instead of READ and 6 book English idioms.
Not many people like to read these days. It is a proven fact that our attention span has reduced to only 8 seconds! Despite this, reading is a wonderful pastime. So what other verbs can we use in English when referring to reading?
5 English Verbs to describe READING

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You may not have a lot of time so you look at or read something quickly.
Example: I glanced at the headlines in the newspaper to see what was happening.
If you are waiting for someone to arrive or sitting in a waiting room before an appointment you might flick through a book or magazine to pass the time. It is a quick look without really spending too long on any page or article.
Example: Sarah flicked through the magazine out of curiosity and ended up buying it.
Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
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5 English Verbs for READ
You might be asked to read something in detail by your boss and check it for content, errors etc. You will look through it or look over it in some detail.
Example: I looked over your article and it seems to be very informative.
4️⃣ SCAN
Scan has a more modern use now relating to documents that you want to send electronically. You scan them (with a scanner) and send them via email to your contact. However, you can use your eyes to scan a document quickly.
Example: Matt’s new teacher scanned quickly through his previous assignments.
All students will be familiar with this word. When we are reading books or documents for the purposes of our school work or university work then we read in a different way so we study that document in detail to extract (take) as much information as possible.
Example: I have studied the documents carefully and would like to ask you to do the same.
5 English Verbs to describe READING

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6 English Idioms related to Books and Reading
Meaning: something that you know very little about or something that you find very difficult to understand.
Example: My son is always struggling with maths in school, it is a real closed book to him.
Meaning: this expression is used to describe an unexpected development of events, a surprising and unusual occurrence. When we use it in a conversation, it usually has sarcastic meaning.
Example: Peter had given up hope of being promoted. Out of the blue, last week his boss made an announcement about him being promoted. That’s a real turn-up for the books.
Meaning: to be out of favour with someone.
Example: Sarah is not talking to me. I’m in her bad books for not inviting her to the movies on Saturday.
6 English Idioms about Books

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Meaning: according to someone’s opinion, from someone’s perspective.
Example: I don’t know about this situation in detail, but in my book, it’s you who have to apologise.
Meaning: to punish someone who did something wrong or to make someone explain their actions publicly, someone should be brought to justice.
Example: Hooligans responsible for storming of city hall should be brought to book.
Meaning: to falsify financial statements or records to someone’s advantage, usually in order to get money unnoticed
Example: Auditors discovered that company accountant had been cooking books for years.
More Information
For more information in English Expressions, English Phrasal Verbs and English Grammar Rules, check ou the following links:
English Idioms related to Communication
How to ask for directions in English?
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