Here you’re going to learn English idioms about love with meanings and examples. british council learn english
list of idioms about love
Love Phrases and Idioms in English

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
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Well Known English Phrases connected to Love
fall for someone
Meaning: to fall in love with someone, to be very attracted to someone
With his dark olive skin, close-cut black hair, huge blue eyes, and an easy, friendly smile, I fell for him straight away. It was impossible not to.
to fall in/out of love
Meaning: Depending on whether you are considered romantic or not we can easily fall in love or out of love with someone quite quickly.
He fell in love with his wife on their first date it was love at first sight. He fell out of love with his girlfriend when he realised she really preferred his best friend.
love is in the air
Meaning: Often on warm evenings in late spring or early summer romantic couples can be seen walking hand in hand in the parks of our cities. There is a good feeling about a loving relationship developing.
The birds are singing everyone is smiling and love is in the air!
a love triangle
Meaning: This usually means things are a little complicated. It is usually a romantic relationship that involves three people.
Paul is going out with Sue and is in love with her. Pauls best friend is called Dave. Dave really likes Sue and Sue is quite attracted to Dave also. She likes Paul but does not love him and thinks Dave would be a better husband. Confused? Yes, well this is a classic love triangle.
I’ve only got eyes for you
Meaning: you only fancy or are attracted to your partner
Your partner may catch you looking at another boy or girl. They ask you if you fancy him/her. You reply quite quickly, ‘Of course not, I’ve only got eyes for you’.
English Idioms about Love
a man after my own heart
Meaning: this can be said by a man or woman to another man or woman. It does not have anything really to do with romance. It means that you like the same things or have the same impression or opinions about something.
Michael thought it would be a great idea if they spent their winter holidays at home and saved their money and had a really good summer vacation. His friend David said, ‘You are right, Michael. There is no point in spending money to go to the Swiss Alps, we have plenty of snow here. You are a man after my own heart’.
your heart skips/misses a beat
Meaning: out of the blue (suddenly) you feel so excited or frightened that your heart beats faster
When I saw Jack for the first time, my heart skipped a beat. I knew he would be the special one for me.
all is fair in love and war
Meaning: Cheating is not usually acceptable and people get upset if someone cheats in a game of cards or in some other activity. However, in war as in love situations are often different and normal rules may not apply. In these situations, you will often hear the expression “all is fair in love and war”.
Ivan fancied Irina. Chris fancied her too. Ivan told Chris that she was already married (this was a lie). Chris believed him and forgot about her. Ivan asked her out on a date and they fell in love quite quickly. Chris was angry when he found out the truth. However, he laughed when Ivan explained to him that he had no choice after all “all is fair in love and war”.
faint heart never won fair lady
Meaning: This is a very old English expression. In fact, my English teacher used to quote it to us in class almost every day. It really means if you do not take a chance you will never win. So in life sometimes you take a gamble. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
Why don’t you ask Mary out? It is the only way to find out if she feels the same. Faint heart never won fair lady!
Keep practising phrases and English idioms about love and enjoy the special day on the 14th of February!
Learn New English Vocabulary Words
Other ways to say 'to love' in English
There are many different ways in which we say we love someone.
However, usually LOVE has a much stronger meaning.
to adore
I adore you, I adore that new coat
to cherish
to cherish every moment
to be enchanted by
I am enchanted by his attention
to have the hots for (informal)
You really fancy or love someone.
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More Information
For more information on English expressions, English phrasal verbs and English grammar rules, check out the following links:
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.