Hopefully, this short English vocabulary for renting accommodation will help you if you need to rent a property in an English speaking country.
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English Vocabulary related to Renting

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Those of you who are renting or have rented property in the past will be only too aware of the problems and pitfalls that await you. The rental market varies from country to country but the issues and problems are very similar.
The person wishing to rent a property is known as the tenant. The person who owns the property you eventually rent is known as the landlord.
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English Vocabulary for Renting an Apartment
There is a lot of work to be done in advance. Where do you wish to live (area or location), what size apartment do you require (number of rooms), which floor do you wish to be on (level), which direction do you wish to face (North, South, East or West), and of course what is your expected budget is it in your price range?
Armed with this information you then set about to search on the very many websites that are available and advertise the properties that are in the market.
Some people prefer to use the services of a property agent as this can save time and avoid the need to look at properties that do not meet your criteria. Alternatively you can look at the individual properties listed and contact the landlord directly to arrange a viewing. Some landlords operate through management companies so you will often view the property in the company of his agent and other potential tenants.
Where you discover that the properties are all a little too expensive for you on your own you may prefer to share with someone and therefore look for a roommate or a flatmate.
English Vocabulary related to Renting
You have to be quick as the market is generally busy with lots of potential tenants and not enough properties.
The early bird catches the worm so you have to be up and about early to get the property you want.
Once you have chosen the property you want you make an offer and hope the landlord is happy with you.
They often need a bank reference, an employer reference, proof of income and other details.
You sign a lease agreement which sets out the terms – the monthly rent, the heating, water and electricity costs and the do’s and don’ts.
Normally you pay a deposit in advance which the landlord will hold in case of any missed rents (you do not pay) or damage that might be caused (broken furniture, glass etc).
The property can be furnished or unfurnished. After all of this you are ready to move in and you have a roof over your head.

New Vocabulary for Renting an Apartment
pitfall – difficulty
rental market – properties available to rent
tenant – the person wishing to rent a property
landlord – the person who owns the property you eventually rent
expected budget – how much are you willing to pay
price range – the amount you can afford to pay
to set about – to begin
criteria – minimum requirement
to arrange a viewing – to visit the property to see if it really is as described in the advert
other potential tenants – others who wish to rent the property also
roommate/flatmate – a person/friend to share the costs of renting with you
the early bird catches the worm – first to see the property will have an advantage
chosen – selected
to make an offer – to indicate to the landlord that you wish to take the property
bank reference – proof that you operate your account properly
employer reference – proof that you have employment and are reliable
proof of income – salary statement to show you can pay the rent
lease agreement – contract between you and the landlord
do’s and don’ts – what you can and cannot do in the apartment
deposit – usually 1 or 2 months rent
furnished or unfurnished – with or without furniture
roof over your head – a place to call your own
to move in – to start living there
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