Learn April Foools’ Day essential English vocabulary. April Fools’ Day isn’t just a day for jokes and pranks; it’s a good opportunity to improve your English skills and sound more like a native speaker. Today, we will learn some essential English vocabulary that will help you sound natural and engage in the fun.
If you’re on a journey to speak English fluently and want to expand your vocabulary, this lesson is especially for you.
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list of useful vocabulary
April Fools' Day essential English vocabulary

Understanding and using these English expressions will not only add a fun element to your conversations but also enhance your speaking skills.
I’ll provide you with explanations and examples of how to use these phrases in real-life situations. Imagine pulling off a harmless April Fools prank or sharing a story about one using perfectly chosen English expressions. That’s what we’re aiming for!
By practising them in your daily conversations, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your ability to express humour and participate in cultural traditions like April Fools’ Day.
It’s all about making learning English enjoyable and relevant to real-life events. So, whether you’re looking to improve your vocabulary, sound more natural, or simply get a good laugh, these phrases will serve you well.
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pull someone’s leg
Meaning: to joke or to trick someone in a playful manner
I was just pulling your leg when I said I saw a flying pig. It’s April Fools’ Day after all!
When he told me he’d won the lottery, I didn’t believe him—I knew he was just pulling my leg.
Meaning: a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion, or discomfort
They planned an elaborate prank for April Fools’ Day involving a fake lottery win.
For a classic April Fools’ prank, they covered the toilet seat with cling film.
Meaning: a deceptive act or trick, often more elaborate or intended to deceive many people
The story about the school being closed tomorrow turned out to be a hoax, much to the students’ disappointment.
The news about the school closing was a hoax made up for April Fools’ Day.
April Fools' Day essential English vocabulary

fall for something
Meaning: to be deceived or tricked into believing something that is not true
I can’t believe I fell for your story about moving to another country. You got me good for April Fools’ Day!
I can’t believe I fell for the old ‘your shoelace is untied’ trick again.
get taken in
Meaning: to be deceived or tricked into believing something false
He got taken in by the fake news article we created for April Fools’ Day.
She got taken in by the fake article claiming that chocolate was a superfood.
have the last laugh
Meaning: to finally succeed or be proven right, after initially being mocked or doubted
They laughed at his idea of starting a business, but he had the last laugh when it became a huge success.
They may have pranked me in the morning, but I had the last laugh with my April Fools’ Day dinner prank.
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make a fool of yourself
Meaning: to embarrass oneself through foolish behaviour
I made a fool of myself by believing everything they told me on April Fools’ Day.
Jumping into the pool with all my clothes on, I really made a fool of myself at the party.
pull the wool over someone’s eyes
Meaning: to trick or deceive someone in a way that prevents them from seeing the truth
He thought he could pull the wool over my eyes with his excuses, but I knew exactly what was going on.
He thought he could pull the wool over my eyes with a fake story, but I knew he was planning an April Fools joke.
April Fools' Day essential English vocabulary

take someone for a ride
Meaning: to seriously deceive someone, often in a way that exploits them
The promise of a doubled salary was just to take him for a ride; it was all an April Fools’ joke.
The con artist took them for a ride, selling them a car that barely worked.
lead someone down the garden path
Meaning: to deceive or mislead someone, leading them to a false conclusion or situation
I didn’t mean any harm when I led him down the garden path with the story of the treasure; it was just for April Fools’.
Promising a promotion that never happens is just leading someone down the garden path.
Now you know April Fools’ Day essential English vocabulary to help celebrate April Fools’ Day and improve your English at the same time. Use them to spice up your conversations and bring a smile to someone’s face. Remember, practising these phrases can help you sound like a native and boost your confidence in speaking English.
Keep practising and looking for new opportunities to use your English. Every little bit helps you get better. Thanks for joining, and happy April Fools’ Day!
more information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
9 English Collocations with Beyond
10 Idioms about Health and Illness
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.