Vocabulary Connected With Weekend Activities

Learn vocabulary connected with weekend activities. Weekend phrasal verbs. Small talk related to your last weekend or future weekend plans. englishclass101

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Talking about your weeekend

vocabulary connected with weekend activities

Hi there, teacher Harry here. Welcome back to my English lessons where we try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language. Today we’re going to focus on vocabulary.

And in particular, we’re going to look at vocabulary around weekend activities. Weekends are a really important part of the week. Monday to Friday, all about working and all about waiting for that we can come Saturday and Sunday.

talking about last weekend

When we’re talking about the weekend, it might be something that we did the last, the previous weekend. So when we use that, we’re typically using simple past.

For example,

  • Did you have a nice weekend?
  • How was your weekend?
  • What did you do last weekend?
  • What did you get up to last weekend?

So they’re just simple ways of asking the question about somebody’s weekend, and all of them use simple past formats of the verb.

The follow on questions that might lead to these when you’ve got your answers:

  • Well, what did you do?
  • Where did you go?
  • Who did you see?

Or you might ask somebody’s opinion.

  • Did you like it?
  • Did you enjoy it?
  • Is it worth going to?
  • How did you like it?
  • How did you enjoy it? 

So when we talk about the previous weekend or last weekend, we usually use simple past.

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talking about your weekend plans

So a very simple way of asking the question is,

  • Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  • Do you have any plans for this weekend?
  • What are you up to this weekend? 

And we often use going to in these circumstances. We are talking about something in the immediate future. 

👩‍🦰 So what are you going to do this week?

  • We’re going to go skiing.
  • We’re going to do some hiking.
  • We are going to play tennis. 

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difference between ‘night in’ and ‘night out’

If we want to look at expressions that we would use when we’re talking about weekend activities, then you might use expressions like,

I had a night in

Meaning: I didn’t go anywhere. I didn’t do anything. I stayed at home.

I just had a night in front of the fire a night in front of the TV and a night watching Netflix, I chilled out watching that series that you recommended.

The opposite is

I had a night out

Meaning: I left home and went somewhere else. I had some fun at some party or some restaurant or went clubbing.

We had a great night out on Saturday. You should have been there, it was really really good fun. 

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vocabulary connected with weekend activities

Now, let’s look at some phrasal verbs connected with weekend activities.

to clean up

Meaning: make a place tidy

So if somebody asks you,

👱‍♂️ What did you do for the weekend?

👨‍🦱 We decided to stay at home and clean up the garden, ready for the winter.

We decided to stay at home and clean up the spare room because our daughter’s coming home for a few months. 

to tidy up

Meaning: make a place look neater and more organised

At the beginning of spring, we like to have a spring clean. We tidy up all the rooms to get rid of the rubbish that we’ve accumulated over the previous year.

By mid-afternoon, we had tidied up most of the rooms. And then as promised, we went off for pizza and we were off to the cinema.

to stay in

Meaning: do not go out, remain at home for the weekend or evening

We’ve had a busy week. The weather is bad, it is cold, so we decided to stay in this weekend.

vocabulary connected with weekend activities

Vocabulary connected with weekend activities. Study English advanced level. Online English lessons at englishlessonviaskype.com Click the link

to chill out

Meaning: to relax

We’ve been travelling a lot over the last few weekends. So we really need to just chill out.

We chilled out. We sat in front of the TV, we looked at a few movies with the kids.

to wind down

Meaning: to gradually relax after stress or worry; forget about all the troubles, spend a little bit of time relaxing

If you’re planning a holiday, you always find it takes a couple of days to wind down before you get into the holiday mood. 

to have someone over

Meaning: to invite somebody to come to your home

We like to have their cousins over. It’s a bit of fun and they get to know each other better.

to flick through

Meaning: to go through something reasonably quickly until you land on something that’s of interest to you

Snuggled up on the sofa, James flicked through Netflix hunting for a film to watch.

She was flicking through photographs from years gone. It was sort of a trip down memory lane.

to meet up (with)

Meaning: to come together formally or informally to spend a bit of time

Would you like to meet up at the weekend? 

Let’s meet up over the next couple of weeks. 

to catch up (with)

Meaning: when we want to catch up with somebody, we want to find out what’s going on in their life

I promised that I would get home early this evening. So give me a call, and we’ll catch up over the weekend or we’ll catch up for lunch.

to run into

to bump into

Meaning: meet someone when you have not planned to meet them

I ran into Sue and Sarah when I was doing late-night shopping last night.

You’ll never guess who I ran into in High Street. I haven’t seen her for ages. We were in university together, but we lost touch. She must be back home now.

So they’re all phrasal verbs connected with weekend activities.

Okay, let me give them to you one more time.

  • to clean up
  • to tidy up
  • to stay in
  • to chill out
  • to wind down
  • to have someone over
  • to flick through
  • to meet up (with)
  • to catch up (with)
  • to bump into
  • to run into

As I said, phrasal verbs connected with weekend and weekend activities.

Okay, well, hopefully, that’s given you some help. Please contact me if you need some more details at www.englishlessonviaskype.com.

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As always, thanks for listening. Join me again soon. englishclass101

More information

For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:

How to give your opinion in English

Verbs related to communication

You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC.