English Expressions with Speak and Speech

Here you will learn English expressions with speak and speech. We will also review the topic of speech in English and learn how you can use these expressions in real-life situations.

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English Expressions with Speak and Speech

14 English expressions with Speak and Speech. Useful English collocations. Improve your English vocabulary. #learnenglish #englishlessons #englishteacher #ingles #aprenderingles #idioms #vocabulary #studyenglish #englishlearning #английский #ingilizce

I was raised to believe that freedom of speech is one of the cornerstones (something of great importance) of society. However, as I get older my belief is challenged time and time again.

Now I understand that in reality, I have the right to freedom of speech provided that I generally agree with what the general population now accepts. Unfortunately, this is not my view of freedom.

The following are English words and phrases connected with speech and hopefully you will find something useful for you.

Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Going back to my earlier point we all have the right to 

speak our mind

to say what we feel

provided we do so with respect to other people’s feelings and beliefs.

When we were young we were advised by teachers, trainers and parents to learn to

speak up for yourself

not to be afraid to put your hand up and give an opinion or view or simply get involved

Alternatively, if you were not able to speak up for yourself you tried to get someone to

speak on your behalf

someone to say what you want to say but cannot

There are many phrases and expressions connected with speech. The following are the key and important expressions with examples.

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English Expressions with Speak

speak clearly

Everyone can speak but not many speak clearly, pronounce words in a way that makes it clear to the listener exactly what you are saying. Some mumble (speak very quietly under their breath) and we have to ask them to

please, speak up

to raise their voice a little so that we can hear what they have said


speak too quickly

so quick that we have to ask the person to slow down or repeat what they have said

Some even speak so slow that we are tempted to finish the sentence for them!

Parents, grandparents and teachers are often heard to correct the tone and language of young people by chastising them (complaining and correcting them) when they speak perhaps rudely to them.

don’t speak to anyone like that!!!

speak more mannerly

english expressions with speak

14 English expressions with Speak and Speech. Useful English collocations. Improve your English vocabulary. #learnenglish #englishlessons #englishteacher #ingles #aprenderingles #idioms #vocabulary #studyenglish #englishlearning #английский #ingilizce

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speak the truth

How many times did you hear this as a kid? Don’t lie always tell the truth. (Of course, when we grow older it is not always the best policy.)


I believe if you want to be heard, you need to speak the truth.


We consider someone to be well-spoken when the speak clearly, concisely and in an assured fashion. They do not have to raise their voice (shout or scream), they do not use too many words but speak with authority and knowledge in an understandable way.


He is a very well-spoken man he has a lot of life experience.

speak out

If we feel strongly about a topic we are often encouraged to speak out about it. This means to make ourselves heard.


Recently the “Me too” movement has raised the issue of women and sexual exploitation, particularly in the movie and entertainment industries. Women have spoken out about their experiences and feelings.

actions speak louder than words

Everyone can talk and tell you what they will or will not do but doing something is often seen as more productive. What somebody does is more important than what they say.


Don’t tell Auntie Paula that you miss her, just go and visit her. Actions speak louder than words!

speak of the devil - english idiom meaning

'Speak Of The Devil' idiom - Video lesson

speak of the devil

When someone we are thinking of or talking about suddenly and unexpectedly appears then we can say ‘ah speak of the devil!’


You are discussing your friend David with another friend Susan. You are talking about something funny or interesting he did recently when you suddenly see him approaching you in the coffee shop. ‘Ah David, speak of the devil, we were just talking about you.’

think before you speak

A great piece of advice at any age. We often speak our minds but occasionally it might not sound the way we intended and someone might get offended (be upset or hurt) so it is always a good idea to think before you speak.

English expressions with Speak and Speech. Useful English collocations. Improve your English vocabulary. #learnenglish #englishlessons #englishteacher #ingles #aprenderingles #idioms #vocabulary #studyenglish #englishlearning #английский #ingilizce

Collocations with Speak

speak when you’re spoken to

Another reminder of my childhood. How often did your mother or father say this? It means that someone is only allowed to say something when they are asked for an opinion.


Speak when you are spoken to and not until!!

speak for yourself

This is a way of reminding people that they are only expressing their own opinion and that other people might think differently.


‘This year’s test was really easy.’ ‘Speak for yourself! I thought it was really difficult.’

I have a much more relaxed attitude to communication these days and always encourage my younger students to express themselves in a calm and clear manner. Words can be easily misinterpreted so speaking clearly but never be afraid to speak.

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More Information

For more information on English collcoations, English idioms, English phrasal verbs and English grammar rules, check out the following links:




As always, plenty of material is available on BBC Learning English website.

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