Here you will learn 15 Phrasal Verbs with Away.
Let’s kick off with a short video lesson where you will learn 7 phrasal verbs. You can scroll down and read the transcript below.
And when you’re finished, let’s move onto the next 8 phrasal verbs.
Table of Contents
15 Phrasal Verbs with Away
Hi there
Welcome to Harry’s World of Words and Phrases and English in a Minute.
We’re focusing again on English phrasal verbs and this time phrasal verbs using the preposition AWAY.
TOday, we’ve got a number of these to get through and I’ll give you examples just to explain each of them.
The first one is
fire away
So the verb to fire like to shoot a gun.
Fire away we use it when somebody says to you:
– Can I ask you a question?
– Yeah, sure. Fire away.
Meaning ask me whatever you wish to ask me.
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work away
So the verb to work. Work away means we’ll just get on with it. Okay.
– Can I borrow your computer? or Can I borrow your laptop?
– Yeah sure, work away.
Just take whatever you need and do whatever you have to do.
go away
This one is very simple. If somebody is very angry with you they might just say ‘go away’.
Meaning leave me alone, I don’t want to be bothered.
Go away on a holidays as a more traditional type of expression.
15 Phrasal Verbs with Away

stay away
means to keep away from something
For example, a child is playing near a fire or near the cooker and the mother is afraid that the child might burn his hand. So she says:
Stay away from that, please.
Stay away. – So it’s given as a warning to keep away.
And you might see it on a sign on a fence where somebody wants to protect that garden:
Stay away – meaning don’t come near because you might be trespassing
get away
Away using the verb get. Get away means I want to go for, for example, a holiday.
Oh, I would like to get away for a few days. I’m tired of this city. Let’s get away next weekend and take the kids and just enjoy some skiing.
One sad one here:
pass away
and pass away is a euphemism for dying.
My dog passed away last week.
My grandmother passed away a few days ago.
So when people don’t want to use the word died or dead then they use that expression to pass away.
Okay and then finally
walk away
So the verb to walk. Walk away. We often again give it as a piece of advice.
Somebody is having a row with another person so they can say:
Look just walk away, don’t get involved.
Just walk away from the problem.
Walk away from a fight because it’s not worth it, it’s dangerous.
Okay so here are lots of phrasal verbs involving the preposition away:
- fire away
- work away
- go away
- stay away
- get away
- pass away and finally
- walk away
Okay. So as always subscribe to my YouTube Channel Learn English with Harry and join us on and I’ll catch up with you soon.
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to be carried away
to be overly excited
I was carried away by thoughts for a moment but managed to bring myself back.
do away with
to abolish, to put an end to something
Schools should do away with uniforms and instead establish guidelines for dress.
get away with
to escape punishment for wrongdoing
He could have got away with a small fine but decided to fight the charges.
give away
1. to reveal (a secret)
Please promise me not to give away my secret.
2. to give something free of charge
Have you heard the news? They are giving away a free English course. I’d better sign up quickly.
15 Phrasal Verbs with Away
put away
1. to store something
Before you put away your winter coat, make sure to dry-clean them.
2. to put someone into prison or mental hospital
He was originally put away for manslaughter for twelve years, but he got out after six.
run away with
to secretly go away with someone or something
Thieves ran away with millions of jewels and cash.
take away
to remove
The new supplement will strengthen your bones and take away the pain in your joints.
turn away
to refuse admission
We were turned away from the restaurant because we didn’t have reservations.
More Information
For more information on English phrasal verbs, English idioms and English vocabulary, check out the following links:
12 Other Ways to Say IT’S HOT in English
Free English learning material is always available at BBC Learning English
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