Knowing how to interrupt in English politely , allow interruptions, and continue speaking after a pause are skills that can make a big difference in sounding natural and confident in English.
This lesson is perfect for anyone looking to build stronger communication skills, whether in everyday English or Business English. With these essential English phrases, you’ll learn to express yourself clearly in English without being rude.
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Essential Phrases
how to interrupt politely in English
Today, we’re going to look at ways to improve your speaking. We’re focusing on how to interrupt someone politely in English. I’ve split the lesson into four parts: how to interrupt, how to respond if you’re interrupted, how to turn down someone trying to interrupt, and how to keep going after an interruption. The main goal here is to use polite, good English.
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Phrases for interrupting
1️⃣ Can I just stop you there for a moment?
Can I just stop you there for a moment? I think there might be a misunderstanding.
Can I just stop you there for a moment? Did you say you’re going to Japan next week?
2️⃣ Sorry for interrupting, but…
Sorry for interrupting, but could you repeat the last sentence? I didn’t catch it.
Sorry for interrupting, but I think we need to consider another perspective here.
3️⃣ Excuse me for butting in, but…
Excuse me for butting in, but that comment is not appropriate.
Excuse me for butting in, but I believe the data you’re presenting is from last quarter.
4️⃣ Could I jump in?
Could I jump in? I have an idea.
Could I jump in? I think we’re getting off-topic here.
5️⃣ I’m sorry to cut in, but…
I’m sorry to cut in, but I think we’re getting off track here. Can we refocus on the main topic?
I’m sorry to cut in, but I have some important information related to what we’re discussing.
how to interrupt politely in English

Allowing an interruption
1️⃣ Sure. What do you think?
Sure. What do you think about using a different approach?
Sure. What do you think about adding that feature?
2️⃣ That’s ok. What did you want to say?
That’s ok. What did you want to say regarding the schedule?
That’s ok. What did you want to say about the movie?
3️⃣ Yes, of course, go on
Yes, of course, go on. I’m interested in learning more about it.
Yes, of course, go on. You were saying something about the budget?
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Rejecting an interruption
1️⃣ Please allow me to continue
Please allow me to continue. I think there’s an important point I need to make here.
Please allow me to continue. I haven’t finished explaining my idea yet.
2️⃣ Let me wrap up my thought before you start
Let me wrap up my thought before you start. I don’t want to interrupt my own train of thought.
Let me wrap up my thought before you start. I think it will be easier to understand if I finish first.
3️⃣ Do you mind if I finish?
Do you mind if I finish? I want to make sure I’ve explained everything before we move on.
Do you mind if I finish? I think there are a few more points I need to make.
4️⃣ Can I continue, please?
Can I continue, please? I have a few more points I want to make.
Can I continue, please? I think it’s important that we fully discuss this issue.
5️⃣ I’m sorry, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me
I’m sorry, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me. I need to finish this thought before we move on.
I’m sorry, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me. I’m trying to explain something important.
how to interrupt politely in English

Continuing after an interruption
1️⃣ As I was saying, I think…
As I was saying, I think we should focus on increasing our marketing efforts.
As I was saying, the report shows a clear increase in sales over the past quarter.
2️⃣ Continuing where I left off
Continuing where I left off, I was discussing our plans for expanding into new markets.
Continuing where I left off, I wanted to talk about the budget for this project.
3️⃣ Where was I? Oh yes,..
Where was I? Oh yes, I was discussing the challenges we faced with the previous project.
Where was I? Oh yes, I was explaining the benefits of our new product.
4️⃣ To get back to what I was saying, I feel/think…
To get back to what I was saying, I feel that we need to focus on improving our customer service.
To get back to what I was saying, I think we need to reconsider our approach to marketing if we want to reach our target audience.
5️⃣ Anyway, as I was saying…
Anyway, as I was saying before I was interrupted, I think we should focus on increasing our marketing efforts.
Anyway, as I was saying, we should look into improving our customer service process.
Hopefully, now you understand how to interrupt in English politely. They’re all very, very polite expressions and help you when you’re speaking, help you when you’re presenting, help you in those conference calls where you might be having problems interrupting or asking a question.
As always, if you want some other information, then contact me at
Thanks for watching and listening. This is Harry saying goodbye, join me again soon.
speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 507
more information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
Phrasal verbs for hobbies and activities
How to agree and disagree in English
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.