Unless you have been living in a bubble (cut off from the world!) for the past few years or on another planet you will have heard or experienced the “joys” of Black Friday. Black Friday is about serious shopping. So let’s practise today some English words and phrases connected to shopping. I have a long list for you.

English Words and Phrases connected to Shopping
Black Friday (dedicated to retail shopping in the malls and shopping centres) is the day immediately after the American thanks giving day which is usually the 4th Thursday in November. If you are like me and you really despise (hate) shopping then unfortunately the next week will be a problem as the TV, internet and newspapers will be focusing on Black Friday and Cyber Monday (dedicated to online shopping) as the beginning of the Christmas and New Year shopping seasons.
These days are a magnet (big attraction) for those shopaholics (people who love to shop continuously) among us who love to shop till they drop (keep shopping until they are tired or run out of money or both!). Some retailers downplay (try to reduce its importance) the importance of Black Friday as they feel it prevents people from shopping normally right up to Xmas and they think whilst people spend a lot of money on the actual day they spend less overall up to Christmas Day.
However, for those in pursuit of (chasing/hunting/searching for) the perfect Christmas present or gift then this is a truly wonderful event. The 4 days from thanksgiving Thursday up to and including Cyber Monday are a shoppers paradise (place for the most pleasure!). They can pursue their hobby, enjoy their retail therapy (relaxing by going to the shops) and spend money they often do not have.
These four days are usually a time when people go bargain hunting and the retailers will attract the shopper with some interesting bargains to entice (attract) the customer in to their store. Everybody is looking for that item they call a steal (so cheap it is almost like robbery!).
Of course, we can enjoy shopping not only on Black Friday. For many people shopping is an enjoyable pastime on the weekend. Shopping is one the favourite hobbies in the UK. What other English words and phrases connected to shopping can we use?
English Shopping Vocabulary - Infographic

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when we go shopping with little intention of actually buying something but more interested in seeing what is in the shops.
Ex. We spent the afternoon window shopping. The windows are so well decorated.
not exactly connected to shopping. Window dressing refers specifically to how we “dress up” a presentation to make it look better or bigger. It can be easily dismissed by someone looking for more detail.
Ex. I presented the report as requested by my boss. I was under a bit of pressure and there was not as much detail as i would have liked. My boss read it and said that i needed to do it again. There was too much window dressing and not enough fact!
when you are really “in” to shopping and enjoy the moment you can shop all day and not feel tired in the slightest.
Ex. My wife went out early to the shopping centre to buy a new outfit for a wedding. She did not come back until late in the evening weighed down with bags. She had really shopped till she dropped.
To reduce prices dramatically
There is a great sale on in the high street, the big shop is closing down and they have reduced the prices on everything. They have slashed some prices by 50%.
To spend as much money as possible
ex. They were only in London for a few days and were determined to buy as much as they could. This was going to be a real shopping spree.
To compare prices in different shops before you buy something
ex. If you are looking to buy something expensive like a new TV or phone it pays to check the different prices on offer in different stores. It pays to shop around.
English Phrases in the Shop
When we go in to a shop we are usually approached by a sales assistant offering to help us with our choices. They are very polite and offer a lot of help.
They use some of the following phrases:
– Would you like to try it on sir? – would you like to go to the changing rooms and try the clothes on
– You can put it on in the changing room. There is a full length mirror there. – you can try on the clothes and check yourself in the mirror
– That looks perfect madam, just let me “do up” the zip at the back – let me pull up the zip/buttons
– Yes, sir you can change this jacket for another one for the same price.
– Would you like to pick out another size and colour?
– If you do not like this when you get home you can bring it back anytime provided you have the receipt. – to return an item back to ths hop where you bought it in
– Do you think this goes with my colour/shape/hair? – do you think this matches my style
– Would you like it delivered to your home? No thanks, I will take it with me.
Take it with me – to carry something yourself
Phrasal Verbs about Shopping

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More Words and Phrases connected to Shopping
Other phrases and expressions connected with shopping are :
That must have set you back a bit? – That must have cost you a lot of money.
That’s a rip off. – That’s too much to pay for that they must be overcharging you
To pay through the nose for something. – Not a rip off, just something that cost a lot of money.
ex. I bought tickets to see U2 in concert. My wife loves them but the tickets were really expensive, I paid through the nose for them.
Happy hunting (good shopping)!
More Information
For more information in English Expressions, English Phrasal Verbs and English Grammar Rules, check ou the following links:
Expressing Likes and Dislikes in English
How to ask for and give directions in English
English Phrasal Verbs with COME
Intermediate English learners! Here is your chance to master English Grammar Tenses so you can speak English fluently and with confidence, sign up for 3 hour English Grammar Rules Refresher Course. Click on the link to read more.
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