Learn popular English idioms related to body parts and master those expressions that are used every day in English.
Intermediate and advanced English expressions will help you speak fluently and understand the natives.
Don’t forget to watch 2 English video lessons about Break a Leg idiom meaning and Give Someone the Cold Shoulder idiom meaning.
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English Idioms Related to Body Parts

Yesterday a student used an incorrect expression. I knew what he meant to say but it was not correct. He meant to say “she went on foot” (meaning she walked to a place) but instead he said, “she went by her legs”.
There is not much difference between your foot and your leg but it can make a big difference in whether people understand you or not.
Intermediate to Advanced English Marathon

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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Here are some other English idioms and expressions using parts of the body.
sit on your hands
Meaning: This usually is used to describe how someone decides to do nothing or is not allowed to do anything.
He wanted to contact the customer and explain what happened. His boss told him to sit on his hands for a few days.
to lend a hand
Meaning: The opposite meaning to sit on your hands! Here we use this when someone asks us for help or we offer help to others.
The office was very busy and lots of people needed to be contacted. The manager offered to lend a hand to get the work done more quickly.
cost an arm and a leg
Meaning: We use this phrase when we are surprises or staggered by the cost of something.
He crashed his car on the way home. There was a lot of damage. It would cost him an arm and a leg to get it repaired!
up to one’s neck
Meaning: This is used to represent a time when we have a lot to do or we are in a lot of trouble.
I am up to my neck in work this week could we possibly meet next week instead?
He is up to his neck in bank debt as he borrowed a lot of money to buy that house.
pain in the neck
Meaning: A nuisance; an irritating, annoying person.
I hope Mary doesn’t bring her brother this time, he was a real pain in the neck the last time he was here.
to be all fingers and thumbs
Meaning: to be very clumsy
He tried to put something in his pocket but couldn’t manage because he was all fingers and thumbs.
to be down in the mouth
Meaning: to be depressed
You’re looking down in the mouth today, Peter. Come on, cheer up!
English Idioms Related to Body Parts

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skin and bones
Meaning: to be very thin
She is all skin and bones, she needs to eat more.
to turn a blind eye
Meaning: not to notice something deliberately
She saw them taking sweets from the shop but turned a blind eye.
to bite one’s tongue
Meaning: to try really hard not to say what you really feel
He was solely responsible for this disaster, but I had to bite my tongue.
to give someone the cold shoulder
Meaning: to deliberately ignore someone
What have I done to her? She’s been giving me the cold shoulder all afternoon.
Give someone's the cold shoulder meaning
give someone's the cold shoulder meaning - video lesson
to have your back to the wall
Meaning: to be in a bad or dangerous situation from which there is no escape
He had his back to the wall, down 4 games to 5 and serving in the deciding set to stay in the match.
to make your blood boil
Meaning: when something makes someone very angry
Littering makes my blood boil.
to have a lump in your throat
Meaning: to feel very sad; to be on the verge of tears
I had a lump in my throat when I heard the news.
a knee’s up
Meaning: This is very informal/slang and has a pleasant meaning. We use it to describe a good party or a sing-a-long with some friends when everyone lets their hair down and relaxes.
We had a great knee’s up over Christmas. Everyone was there and were in great spirits.
to chance your arm
Meaning: Try to do something although the chance of success may be slim, to take a risk, to try one’s luck. This phrase first recorded in 1880s and back in the days it was mostly used as a soldier’s term.
Immediately after University I chanced my arm and opened up my first boutique.
you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
Meaning: You offer to help someone on condition that this person will help you in return.
Thanks for lending me your car, here are your keys. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, remember?
English Idioms Related to Body Parts
to go belly up
Meaning: We usually use this phrase when we’re talking about a business or some project that was unsuccessful or went bankrupt.
Some thought it was only a matter of time before the company went belly up, but it somehow survived.
to throw someone a bone
Meaning: To praise someone or to reward someone in some way in order to make them feel good.
In secondary school, I had many teachers who threw me a bone and let me pass a test.
all ears
Meaning: If someone says I’m all ears it means that they are ready and are very eager to listen to what you have to say.
Sam was all ears when I began to talk about my holidays in Australia last year.
There are many many more sayings and expressions in the English language related to body parts. You can continue learning here ➡️ More Idioms Associated with Our Body Parts
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Break a Leg idiom meaning
break a leg idiom meaning - video lesson
And here is my video lesson about probably one of the strangest English idioms related to body parts – break a leg.
It is one of many cases when the real meaning of the idiom break a leg is totally different from the individual words this idiom consists of.
Watch my short video lesson and learn the history of break a leg idiom and its real meaning.
More Information
For more information in English Expressions, English Phrasal Verbs and English Grammar Rules, check ou the following links:
Common English Idioms with Two Words
English Expressions about Success
Intermediate English learners! Here is your chance to master English Grammar Tenses so you can speak English fluently and with confidence, sign up for 6 hour English Grammar Rules Refresher Course. Click on the link to read more.
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