Top advanced adjectives to describe a person in English.
This video is great for advanced English language learners who are learning vocabulary about describing people and want to improve their speaking skills.
This advanced English lesson is also important if you are preparing for English proficiency exams (IELTS, CAE, TOEFL) and want to impress the inspector with your vocabulary.
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List of adjectives for people
advanced adjectives to describe a person
Welcome back to advanced English lessons with Harry, where we try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language.
In this advanced English lesson, we’re looking at people.
And we’re going to look at adjectives that can describe people. There are quite a few of them.
I’ll go through them one by one, we’ve got 14 adjectives in total.
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Meaning: somebody who sees things that other people don’t see
He’s very perceptive. He understands when there’s a problem. You don’t have to explain much to him.
You’re quite perceptive, you understand exactly what I’m trying to say.
Meaning: somebody who encourages you to do great things
My grandparents were inspirational role models whose love and encouragement allowed me to dream big.
John Alcock and Arthur Brown were my childhood heroes. I thought they were so inspirational when I was a kid.
Meaning: having a stronger than normal wish to be successful, powerful, or rich
He’s not so much of a friend, you have to be really careful. He is overambitious and cares only about himself.
Top advanced adjectives to describe a person

Meaning: somebody who is working hard to do their work properly
Carrie is very conscientious. She doesn’t just send the order off and hope that it arrives. She always follows up with a phone call.
obstinate /ˈɒb.stɪ.nət/
Meaning: you refuse to change your mind, even when you’re wrong
Ah, there’s no talking to him. He’s so obstinate. You can tell him that the sky is blue, but he’ll argue that it’s a different colour.
neurotic /njʊəˈrɒt.ɪk/
Meaning: always anxious about things that you consider unimportant
Don’t be so neurotic, don’t feel you’re constantly under observation. The fact is, you’re not; nobody really cares.
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Meaning: willing to listen to everybody’s opinions
It’s great to have an open-minded boss. They can listen and are not afraid to change their mind.
If an employee has a different idea, the manager needs to be open-minded enough to consider that idea.
Meaning: you don’t consider other things so well, you have a closed mind
People who are prejudiced treat people in a downgraded way; they often abuse them and can even physically hurt them.
Meaning: somebody who is full of apathy and doesn’t care
John is so apathetic. He never does any more than his nine-to-five job.
Useful advanced adjectives to describe a person

Meaning: don’t take into account other people’s feelings
Peter was about to lose his job when everybody started talking about unemployment. That was a little bit insensitive.
Meaning: somebody who usually likes to be on their own
An introvert is someone who prefers to be solitary, rather than interact with large groups of people.
Meaning: somebody who doesn’t like to live by the rules
Older generations believe teenagers are rebellious and want to do the opposite of what you ask.
Meaning: behaving like a grown-up, more sensible in their actions and thoughts
Emma is just a wonderful young person and very mature for her age.
inquisitive /ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪv/
Meaning: curious, constantly asking questions
Kids are inquisitive by nature. Young kids ask a lot of questions. They want to know everything about how the world works.
So there the 14 different adjectives that we can use to describe people.
Okay, so let me give them to you one more time.
- perceptive
- inspirational
- overambitious
- conscientious
- obstinate
- neurotic
- open-minded
- prejudiced
- apathetic
- insensitive
- solitary
- rebellious
- mature
- inquisitive
Okay, so as I said, and you know the drill by now, if you want to learn these, you have to practice them.
If you need any help, you contact me at I’ll give you some more examples.
As always, thanks for listening. Thanks for watching, Harry’s saying goodbye until next time, see you soon.
speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 400
more information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
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You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.
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