43 essential English collocations with simple adjectives. Collocations are a smart way to improve your English fluency. Collocations are practical word combinations that native speakers use every day. These natural English expressions will help you express yourself confidently and clearly.
Perfect for learners preparing for exams like IELTS or TOEFL, or anyone looking to improve their vocabulary for work, travel, or casual conversations.
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list of collocations
43 Essential Collocations for English Fluency
This lesson isn’t too advanced. I’ll be using simple, everyday adjectives that are among the 50 most common in English.
You’ll learn how to use these adjectives in small phrases and expressions. This will help you avoid getting stuck for words and understand others better. It’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and sound more natural in conversations.
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collocations with big
1️⃣ a big decision
Meaning: important or life-changing choice
Oh, it’s a big decision to leave your job now, when we’re about to enter a recession.
Deciding to move abroad is a big decision that requires careful thought.
2️⃣ a big eater/drinker/spender
Meaning: someone who eats, drinks, or spends a lot
He’s such a big eater. He finished three plates of pasta in one sitting.
Oh, he’s a really big drinker. He goes out Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
I’m not such a big drinker. I might join you later on.
3️⃣ big ideas/plans
Meaning: ambitious or significant concepts or plans
Oh, I’ve got big ideas for this house. I really think it’s a wonderful house where we can leave our own mark.
She has big plans to start her own business and expand internationally.
4️⃣ big grin
Meaning: a wide smile showing happiness
Oh, look at him with that big grin on his face. I wonder what the good news is.
5️⃣ big money
Meaning: a large sum of money, often in business or salaries
Wow. It must have cost big money to buy that property.
That new development on the high street took big money. Everything looks stunning.
collocations with easy
1️⃣ easy day/week
Meaning: a time with minimal stress or effort
Oh, I had an easy day yesterday. The boss was away. We all had a bit of fun and a bit of relaxation.
I’m going to have an easy week next week since I’ll be on holiday.
2️⃣ easy money
Meaning: money earned with little work or risk
Many people dream of getting rich quickly, but the truth is, there’s no such thing as easy money.
3️⃣ easy target
Meaning: vulnerable to criticism or blame, often because they are in a visible or high-pressure position
Politicians are often easy targets. Their decisions and occasional mistakes make them open to public criticism.
When things go wrong in the company, the bosses are easy targets. They are the first to be blamed for the failures.
43 Essential Collocations for English Fluency

collocations with good
1️⃣ good man
Meaning: a kind, reliable, or decent person
He’s a good man. He’s got a good heart. He really knows how to look after people.
2️⃣ good deal
Meaning: a beneficial agreement or bargain
I got a really good deal on my laptop. I went in and I offered the guy €200 less, and he sold it to me.
3️⃣ good value (for money)
Meaning: worth the price paid
The holiday was good value for money. It was all-inclusive, and while there was a bit too much food, it was still worth it.
4️⃣ good chance
Meaning: high likelihood of something happening
There’s a good chance I’ll get that job.
There’s a good chance I’m going to get really good marks in my final exams. I wrote a solid thesis, and I defended it very well.
5️⃣ good cry
Meaning: crying to release emotions or feel better
After everyone had left the house, I sat down and had a good cry. I couldn’t stop thinking about my dear mother who had passed away.
collocations with high
1️⃣ high level/degree/rate
Meaning: an intense, significant, or elevated amount or standard
There’s a high level of inflation in the country at the moment.
There’s a high degree of anxiety among the staff about what’s going to happen.
High rates of interest in the banks make it expensive if you want to borrow money.
2️⃣ high standard
Meaning: exceptional quality or expectation
I set high standards for myself. So everything I do, I want to do better than I did before.
Hotels often set high standards of service to ensure guest satisfaction.
3️⃣ high society
Meaning: the wealthy or elite social class
Oh, he’s really part of high society now. Since his promotion, he’s been rubbing shoulders with all the top executives.
4️⃣ high priority
Meaning: something very important or urgent
At the start of the week, I always put tasks that are high priority at the top of my to-do list.
5️⃣ high wind
Meaning: strong and forceful wind
The forecast says high winds are expected tonight, which might cause some disruption.
6️⃣ high alert
Meaning: state of readiness for danger or action
The country is on high alert due to the threat of terrorism, with security measures tightened everywhere.
Officials have put the region on high alert because of the severe weather forecast.
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collocations with light
1️⃣ a light meal
Meaning: a small or easily digestible meal
I usually have a light meal in the morning before work or in the evening if I’m not too hungry.
2️⃣ a light smoker/eater/drinker
Meaning: someone who smokes, eats, or drinks only a little
He’s a light smoker, only having a cigarette once in a blue moon.
She’s a light eater and prefers small meals throughout the day.
He’s a light drinker who only has an occasional beer when he’s out with friends.
3️⃣ a light sleeper
Meaning: someone who wakes up easily
Harry is a light sleeper. Even the sound of the wind or a key turning in the door can wake him up.
4️⃣ light music/reading
Meaning: simple or relaxing, not demanding
Light reading is perfect when you want to relax and take your mind off things for a while.
Some people prefer light music in the background while working.
He called it light reading, but it was a 200-page report on corporate tax regulations.
5️⃣ light breeze/rain
Meaning: gentle or mild weather conditions
A nice light breeze kept the air cool and made the walk really pleasant.
I didn’t need an umbrella since it was just light rain.
43 Essential Collocations for English Fluency

collocations with little
1️⃣ little boy/girl
Meaning: a young child
The little boy was excited to show everyone his new toy.
2️⃣ little things
Meaning: small, often sentimental or unimportant items
Little things mean a lot.
It’s the little things, like a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers, that can really make someone’s day.
3️⃣ a little laugh/smile
Meaning: a brief or slight expression of amusement or happiness
When he told the joke, I had a little laugh to myself.
When he told me the story, a little smile appeared on my face. It reminded me of times when I had done something similar.
4️⃣ little finger
Meaning: the smallest finger on the hand
She has him wrapped around her little finger. He does whatever she asks without hesitation.
He wouldn’t lift his little finger to help you.
speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 513
collocations with new
1️⃣ new hope/confidence/optimism
Meaning: a fresh sense of positivity or belief
After the announcement of the new policies, there’s new hope that the economy will finally improve.
New optimism spreading among the people as things become a little better.
2️⃣ new arrival
Meaning: a recent addition, such as a baby or a new person in a group
Their dog just had a litter of puppies, so there’s a new arrival at home.
We’re so excited about the new arrival. Our first child was born yesterday!
The shop has some exciting new arrivals in their winter collection.
3️⃣ new experience
Meaning: something unfamiliar or untried before
Going ice skating was a new experience for me.
Watching a sci-fi movie was a completely new experience for me. I’d never seen anything like it before.
4️⃣ new blood
Meaning: fresh energy or ideas, usually from new people in a group
It’s great to have some new blood in the office. Fresh ideas and perspectives can really help improve how we do things.
The team brought in some new blood this season, hoping fresh talent will improve their performance.
collocations with real
1️⃣ real world
Meaning: practical or everyday life, not imaginary
Get into the real world and see how things really work.
He walked out and found a parking ticket on his car. Welcome to the real world!
2️⃣ a real job
Meaning: genuine or proper employment
Don’t you think it’s time you got a real job?
3️⃣ a real feelings
Meaning: authentic or strong emotions
I think that our son has got some real feelings. I think I saw him crying at that movie the other night.
4️⃣ real choice
Meaning: a genuine or meaningful option
The manager said I could stay late or come in early tomorrow, but with the deadline at midday, do I have a real choice?
5️⃣ real jerk
Meaning: a very unpleasant or rude person
He’s a real jerk. What does he think he is? He thinks he’s better than us.
43 Essential Collocations for English Fluency
collocations with strong
1️⃣ strong feelings
Meaning: intense emotions, like love or anger
There are strong feelings in the community about the new development being so close to the school.
I have strong feelings about the company moving ten kilometers away. Getting there would be much harder.
2️⃣ a strong desire
Meaning: an intense or powerful wish to do or achieve something
I have a strong desire to do some more study.
I have a strong desire just to start my own business.
3️⃣ a strong argument
Meaning: a persuasive or convincing point
There is a strong argument in favour of doing nothing.
4️⃣ strong chance/possibility
Meaning: high likelihood of occurrence
There’s a strong chance of heavy rain tonight.
According to the weather forecast, there’s a strong possibility of heavy rain tonight.
5️⃣ strong accent
Meaning: a noticeable way of speaking tied to a region
He has a nice speaking voice, but he speaks with a very strong accent.
6️⃣ strong coffee
Meaning: coffee with a rich and intense flavour
I needed a cup of strong coffee to pick me up after a long night of work.
Strong coffee in the afternoon can keep you going.
Here are 43 essential collocations for English fluency. What you need to do now is to practise. Pick a few, use them in your conversations. If you have problems, come back to me at englishlessonviaskype.com Always happy to hear from you.
Thanks for listening. Thanks for watching. Join me again soon.
more information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
Intermediate English travel vocabulary
English vocabulary related to driving
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.