Here you will learn 12 other ways to say it’s hot in English. Learn to describe hot weather in English and improve your speaking skills.
Weather is a very popular topic for small talk conversation in English. So what other ways to say hot weather or it’s hot outside can you use?
Hi there. I’m teacher Harry. And welcome back to my advanced English lessons.
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List of expressions for hot weather
12 other ways to say it's hot in English
Today I want to talk to you about different expressions, particularly to do with the weather and particularly to do with hot weather. Ways in which we can say it’s hot in English.
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Okay, so let’s get back to what we’re going to talk to you about today. And that’s about the heat. How many ways we can say I’m hot.
Meaning: going up dramatically, at a faster rate than people would have expected
The temperatures are soaring this weekend to the high 20s. You can expect temperatures of 27 to 30C.
The temperatures have been soaring across Europe in the last few days.
12 Other Ways to Say It's Hot in English

So in how many different ways can we say “it’s hot in English?”
Okay, well let’s have a look at a few. A lot of them actually are connected with cooking. So when you’re in the kitchen, you can use a lot of these and you can see the reference that I’m making. So I can say:
👩🦰 What’s the weather like?
👩🦱 Oh, it’s boiling today.
it’s boiling (hot)
Like boiling water for a cup of tea. It’s boiling.
Meaning: extremely hot
It’s boiling today. I don’t feel like doing anything when the temperature is really really hot.
It’s boiling in here. I’m falling asleep. Can we open the windows?
You shouldn’t leave dogs in cars when it’s boiling.
Or we can say
stifling /ˈstaɪ.fəl.ɪŋ/
Meaning: difficult to breathe, really hot
Do you know when you go out into that warm, warm, humid atmosphere yet?
Oh God, I can hardly breathe. It’s stifling.
Like walking into a room where the windows have been closed for a day and there’s no fresh air is stifling.
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it’s roasting
Another reference to food, like putting the chicken in the oven at Christmas time to get that nice golden brown roasted colour.
– So what’s the weather like?
– Oh, it’s roasting. I feel like a chicken in the oven. It’s roasting.
Roasting hot. So you touch it. It will burn. Okay. Roasting.
It’s a great day to go to the beach. It’s roasting.
It’s roasting hot today. Don’t forget to put that factor 30 and drink plenty of water.
Meaning: you can almost smell the heat it’s so hot
Barbecue time is sizzling. It’s like putting the sausages on the barbecue and you can hear that the meat sizzles. So the weather can also be sizzling hot. So it’s like stepping into a barbecue wouldn’t recommend it, but it’s like stepping into a barbecue or sitting on the barbecue.
Whoa, it’s sizzling. Your feet almost stick to the ground.
it’s burning
Meaning: it’s not literally burning like a fire, but you can almost see the heat rising
So simple. It’s burning. Yeah.
– What’s the weather like?
– Oh, it’s burning.
You might see a weather forecast, particularly in the American weather forecast.
It’s burning out there, folks. So just be careful when you go out, have some water and cover your head. It’s burning out there.
Okay, so
Meaning: very hot and humid
It is another way to say it’s really hot, like tropical weather conditions.
If you’ve ever travelled far away to the Far East and you’re near the equator, you’ve got this, these tropical conditions and it’s very hot all of the time. Morning, noon and evening, you get this intense heat. It’s, you can feel the humidity, it rains part of the day, but it doesn’t change how hot it is so, well, it’s tropical out there.
It’s tropical here. We’re all sweating and trying to get the air conditioning to work.
Meaning: uncomfortably hot
Perspiration, running down your face and you’re feeling,
Oh my God, I want to get home and jump into the shower, jump into a swimming pool.
If you’re lucky enough to have one close by.
So sweltering conditions today folks, it’s really hot out there. You’re going to have to get to the beach as early as you can.
I need a cold shower. It’s sweltering in this car, I’m stuck to the seat.
Other Ways to Say It's Hot in English

it’s scorching
Meaning: you can hardly touch it. That’s scorching hot.
So when it’s scorching hot, it’s really, really hot.
Walking in the desert. If you’ve gone to Dubai or someplace like that and you go out and one of these treks into the desert within minutes, you can feel the sand hot under your feet. It’s scorching.
It’s a scorching day today. Temperatures are rising day by day. The sun is high in the sky. The sky is blue.
it’s steamy
Meaning: a little bit too hot, hot and wet
Gives you the sensation of steam rising from a hot shower or from a hot bath. So it’s when you walk outside, it’s like walking into a wet sauna.
It was a steamy day and kept everyone uncomfortable; outside, inside, showering, walking and sitting.
And then the other expression, when it’s warm and stifling and humid, we use the word
Meaning: very uncomfortbale, hot and humid
I wish we’d have a big storm, and we could then go back to a little bit of normal temperatures for a few days.
It was a sultry day, the sky the colour of dull iron, and distant rumblings of thunder.
So the conditions are very sultry, usually in the early summer. As the summer gets on, a bit later, it becomes hotter. And then we would use words like scorching. Okay.
speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 388
12 Other Ways to Say It's Hot in English
Or a very simple reference again to the kitchen.
it’s baking (hot)
Meaning: warm and stuffy
It’s baking hot in here. Who didn’t open the windows? We have to open the windows.
It’s baking hot. I can’t wait to jump into the pool later.
The sand was baking hot, it was hard to put your bare feet on it.
When you come in in the morning, it’s so, so warm and stuffy. So it’s baking, like baking the bread.
And then of course, then the final one is just,
I’m sweating
This doesn’t sound so good. The clothes are sticking to them, I’m sweating.
Of course, men sweat, and women perspire, but it means exactly the same thing. So let me run over those expressions for you again. Other ways to say “it’s hot” in English.
And I said lots of them refer to in the kitchen and cooking like
- boiling
- roasting
- baking
- burning
- sizzling
And then you’ve got words like
- stifling
- tropical
- sweltering conditions
- scorching hot
- steamy
- sultry
So all of these English expressions as how you can say when you are hot or when you’re trying to describe when the weather is hot. Okay.
I hope you enjoyed that. Join me again soon.
More Information
For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:
Intermediate English travel vocabulary
English vocabulary related to driving
You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.
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